Cambridge Audio Azur Amps/CD Players/Speakers


New member
Jan 6, 2014
I notice that Marantz gets a lot of love but Cambridge Audio doesn't.

This month's HiFi Choice magazine has a good review of the CA Azur 651c CD player, and their new Aero 2/Aero 6 speakers got rave reviews recently, too.

What do forum members think of them?

I'm looking to buy my first separates and have my eye on CA 351 amp and CD player combo, or 651 combo. Any user feedback would be most welcome.

Also, has anyone tried out the Aero 2 standmount or Aero 6 floorstanding speakers?

Like the look of the Aero 2, their recent gear from the 650 series has looked excellent. Less convinced by their DACs however.
Listened to both 3651 CD players and amps. I own a 651cd. It is very good. I thought the 351amp was excellent too. I wasn't keen on the 651amp. The 351 CD player is also excellent, but the 651 has better stereo imaging. Similar sound tho. You wouldn't be disappointed.
I've had the 640A V2 and 640C V2 for over 5 years now with MS 902i speakers and happy with the sound. Compared to my friend's Denon system which seemed to have a lot more base mine seemed a little bright but I like the clarity and he's now preferring the sound of my system as his comes across a bit muffled. I can't say i've much experience so it's just my opinion on my system.

btw, I recently picked up the SM6 which also replaced the 640T v2 and the FLAC rips do sound better. running the CD though the optical out into the SM6 digital input made little difference, you have to concentrate to hear the difference but that's just me. Not heard the 651C
I owned the 640c v2 before the 651 and it was clear, but no bass weight in comparison to the 651. The 651 is better in every way.
My experience of Cambridge kit hasn't been so good. Many years ago I had a DAB tuner which sounded good but deveoped a bad hum after c 5years. I had a Cambridge Azur Amp, maybe 5/6 years ago, which had a bad hum on purchase, taken back and I replaced it with a Marantz pm6002. More recently, 18 months ago, I accepted a Topaz CD10 as a replacement for a different brand under warranty. The sound is good for the price but the transport is loud and takes an age to read discs. Other internet customer reviews suggest I'm not the only one to have this issue with the Topaz. As far as I'm aware the current cd351 has a different transport and certainly has very good reviews from the hifi press, so in fairness this may not be an issue for you with the 351. And of course, my overall experience my just be bad luck. I don't think generally that things last as they used to.


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