Cambridge Audio 650 v 340?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can anyone advise what speakers would be good with the Cambridge Audio 650? I have been told to avoid the Wharfedale Diamond 10.1s (too bassy) andhave been recommended the Mordaunt-Short Aviano 1s. Any advice appreciated. I am drawn to bookshelf speakers rather than floor standing speakers though slightly concerned that my kids will knock the speakers off the stands. any suggestions? Final question - I was initially looking at the CA340 rather than the 650 - will the 650 be significantly better? Thanks

You's told you the new Wharfedales are too bassy? The 10.1's would be a very good match for the Cambridge IMO. Try and avoid bright sounding speakers like Monitor Audio and Maudaunt Short.

The 650, given the price difference would give greater overall sonic performance over the 340.

Go for the 650. The right speaker for CA gear would be MS speakers, good synergy. The Aviano 1/2 would be an excellent choice for the 650. My next speaker of choice would be Diamond 9.1/9.2, stunning.
Thanks. The steer on the Wharfedales came from Richer Sounds. Actually, every time I've spoken to someone from Richer Sounds, I've been given different advice. That's not a complaint - I realise these things are subjective - but it's very difficult for someone as ignorant as me to evaluate the conflicting advice. Some people from Richer Sounds have championed the Wharfedales, Cambridge S 30s and Mordaunt Short Aviano 1s, but others from Richer Sounds have rubbished each of them for my purposes. At the last time of asking I was told to avoid the Wharfedales at all costs in the context of the 340.

Presumably there's nothing that can be done to address the risk of kids knocking over speakers on speaker stands (other than try and reason with your kids!)?

Take the RS advises as a pinch of salt, and the best would be to audition yourself the 650 and 350 with Diamond and Aviano speakers with the same music of your choice and go from there. Let your ears decide which is best 🙂

You're right about kids and speakers.
FWIW I'm using 9.1's with my C/A A5 using a 640 V2 for my cd. All in all a great punchy sound and soundstage on a bang for buck basis.

Bearing in mind the 9.1's can be had for less than £100 now they represent stunning value.

I hope to upgrade to the 640 amp when the price falls due to the 650 range...shouldn't be too long touch wood

i have had the same dilema, after alot of demo's in richer sounds with the wharfdales/ms aviano and dali lektors i went to sevenoaks hi fi who demo's the kef iq30's £199 and the monitor audio rs1 £270 both sounded excellent and imho better than richer sounds speakers.

after a bit of haggling i got the monitor audio rs1's in oak for £190 plus soundstyle z2 stands for £56 and hooked up to the cambridge audio azur 640v2 it sounds amazing, i found speaker placement to be the key for the m/a rs1's i have them 18" from the rear wall and 2ft froom any side walls, they are clean punchy and to be honest i really didn't expect them to be this good, i did have bowers and wilkins 603 s3's and if im completly honest i prefer the monitor audios. i also got chord crimson rca interconnects which are superb plus chord silverscreen speaker cable. i was scepticle when i first decided to go for this set up as many people said to tame the brightness of the cambridge audio but i have found this set up is excellent and would strongly suggest you go to your local sevenoaks hi-fi store or similar hi-fi specialist to hear the difference for yourself so you can let your ears decide.
Just want to say I really appreciate all the advice (and any other views are v welcome). Really appreciate it.
IQ30 are great i find them better than the RS1, but for the CA650 the IQ30 might me to much of a midrange fest.rs1 or diamonds suit this amp just fine
Tommy J:I was initially looking at the CA340 rather than the 650 - will the 650 be significantly better?

Yes, much better. As regards the speakers, you really need to hear them with the amp to make a decision. That's a bit tricky in Richer Sounds as they don't have dedicated demo facilities. I'd be tempted to buy the amp and then arrange a speaker demo at a dealer with proper facilities and cart your amp along with you.

As regards the kids, a lot of people blutack their speakers to the stands. Be a little careful if / when you take them off though, I've heard a couple of anecdotal horror stories of people managing to rip the veneer off the bottom of a speaker, although I've never experienced any problems. Gently does it and twist them off rather than pull!