Well no dealers in my area who stock everything I want to audition, or, who are prepared to let them be trialed at home. So I've had to go down the expensive route of sourcing new/used kit.
With that in mind I thought that a good place to start would be near the top of budget just so I could get the old "If onlys, and I wonder what xyz would have sounded like" out of the way first. To that end I thought that I would start with the PMC DB1 - can't get the i in black so I sourced a new pair of Gold's; they arrived yesterday.
First impressions: Out of the packaging "God these are really tiny", and connected-up, "OMG they sound really awful!" Boxy, cardboard sounding woofers, base terrible, all over the place; thinking what have I done - should have stuck with my RX2's or got a set of used Tannoys. So decided to run them out of phase and on low volume whilst I went to work yesterday, (10 hours).
Second impressions: Got up this morning and listened to them again; OMG what a difference! I have never heard such a sweet sounding pair of speakers, and I've never heard a pair of speakers seem to totally disappear from my system before, it's as though they aren't physically there. I did some A/B comparisons with the RX2's and initially thought that the RX2's sounded much better than the DB1's, that is until I walked over to the speakers and discovered I was actually listening to DB1's, not the RX2's! I keep on reaching for the volume-up control but I must consider my neighbours |(
If these babies are not yet run-in then I can only say that more is to come. I've got them backed to within 1" of the rear wall and the base is just right, very taut. I cannot believe that these tiny boxes make such an incredible sound. Looks like these will be keepers; looking for a set of wall brackets for them now 🙂
Thank you to everyone for your input, it has all been very much appreciated. This did not begin as a search - just a general question, but I'm sure you will understand when I say that my non-existent search is over.