PJPro:Well, I've finished the single player game (8 hrs) and, to be honest, it was a bit of a disappointment. The game play was great but the story (so good in COD4) was more than a little bit unbelievable. And, for some reason, when I finished the game it still said that I had only completed 50.7%? Then tried the online game. Got a couple of deathmatches and then spent about 40 minutes in the lobby trying to connect to a game. It found them (25 available) but wouldn't let me enter. I gave up in the end......I seem to remember a similar problem with COD4. All in all. Great game play ruined by a poor storyline and rubbish online experience! Oh, and I was using the PS3.
There must be a reason why it tells you that you have only completed the game 50.7%..have you collected all the Intel etc? Any secondary objectives that may have been missed out? Iv also seen the mulitplayer and special ops with completion percentages on them..maybe they all need to be completed before you get 100%??
40 mins in the lobby? That is bad! Iv heard a few ppl having problems with gettin online with MW2 on the PS3, i dont think PSN is up to scratch to have such a big game flooding its network! Xbox Live is the way to go for multiplayer games imo iv not had to wait more than 1 minute for the matchmaking system to find a game and then get me into one and iv been playing mulitplayer since the day of release now!
By the way whats the fastest time anyone on here has got in the training assault course at the start of the story mode? I believe you unlock a trophy on the PS3 as you unlock a achievement for doing it under 30secs on the Xbox. My time was 29.3 secods!! Woohoo!