Just wanted to share my recent experience in optical cables as I was a little surprised.
I have been swapping around cables a bit recently due to some difficulties with an airport express (still not sorted!!!) and after one of these tinkering sessions I was watching T.V and my attention was drawn to the sound and how much more detailed and seperated it was. I have always had my PVR connected to my 740C via optical as I listen to radio via freeview but this was with a very cheap cable which I have ad for some time. I also have my DVD player hooked up in the same way but with a QED performance optical cable.
Now I have read alot on these forums about how digical cables make no difference as it is all 0s and 1s and the difference is just in the listeners head and logically this did make sense to me but to my surprise there was quite a big difference to my ears. To me this is not just in my mind as I was not planning to test the two cables and only realy realised I had put the cables in the other way round after I had noticed the difference in sound.
I suppose that this little unplanned test makes me think that it would be worth getting a reasonably expensive digital cable in the future for digital equipment.
As always just my opinion.
I have been swapping around cables a bit recently due to some difficulties with an airport express (still not sorted!!!) and after one of these tinkering sessions I was watching T.V and my attention was drawn to the sound and how much more detailed and seperated it was. I have always had my PVR connected to my 740C via optical as I listen to radio via freeview but this was with a very cheap cable which I have ad for some time. I also have my DVD player hooked up in the same way but with a QED performance optical cable.
Now I have read alot on these forums about how digical cables make no difference as it is all 0s and 1s and the difference is just in the listeners head and logically this did make sense to me but to my surprise there was quite a big difference to my ears. To me this is not just in my mind as I was not planning to test the two cables and only realy realised I had put the cables in the other way round after I had noticed the difference in sound.
I suppose that this little unplanned test makes me think that it would be worth getting a reasonably expensive digital cable in the future for digital equipment.
As always just my opinion.