Ca azur 640a + 640c, what interconnect?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi there, i`m quite new at these whole audio things, i simply bought a Cambridge Audio Amp 640a, and its cd Player 640c, and a pair of Mordaunt short 914i with cabridge audio wires cost me 5 quid a metre.

i`ve been looking around and i believe the cambridge audio cable are too pricey for what they actually do, just wondering what is the best cheapest interconnect that i can use to link my amp to the cd player without losing sound detail, i`m pretty skinned at the moment but i`ve seen cables at 40 quid, and i reckon those would just be too much for my hi fi, or maybe not?

i`ve seen the specs of some cables the good one have 24k gold connections, OFC, etc...

i found this one here... just wondering if it could be enough or it`ll be a bad choice.

thanks a lot
Any of the Cambridge range should match well. Forty squid would not be too much for your set-up - in fact I would even stretch to Cambridge Azur Reference cable. If you buy a £20-£30 cable you probably wouldn't hear a real significant difference, go the extra £20 and you should.


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