Buzzing and popping sounds on Cambridge Audio system


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have purchased a second hand Cambridge Audio system composing of a C500 control amp, D500 CD player and P500 power amplifier. To go with the system I purchased a pair of brand new Warfedale Diamond 10.1 loudspeakers.

I have a problem now with a constant buzzing sound when I turn on the system, and when I turn off the power amp, there is a large popping sound (which is very concerning). What could be the problem? Is it an earthing issue? Please Help!

Thank you

Not sure what the buzzing is, but a 'pop' when turning on/off can be quite normal for some amplifiers. My old Cambridge Audio A1 used to do it, as does my old Rotel amp.

I used to mute the amp before turning on and off with my Cambridge Audio.

Is the buzzing present without anything connected to the amp?
As mentioned, popping when switching on or off is not unusual, an older integrated amp I had did it (Rotel I think ?!) so maybe switch off the pre amp before the power amp...?

...but as for the buzzing, I would check your connections for your speakers for polarity and also make sure there is no loose wiring or two bare cables touching which could cause buzzing...

Check and double check then I think it's time to be looking for a fault in your system somewhere...


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