Building a Vinyl system for £2000


New member
Feb 25, 2013
Hi all,

I've recently inherited over 400+ records, and i need help building a system. My thoughts are Pro-Ject Debut Carbon, Rotel RA-10 andTannoy DC6TSE speakers. But i'm worried that i won't get the best out of the speakers! I've a budget of around £2000. Any ideas?
My suggestion would be a Rega RP3 with Elys 2 (£550), combined with a Brio-R amp (£498 ) and speakers of your choice at around £1k. I've had Pro-Ject decks in the past and IMO they don't come close to the Rega ones.
greg238sqn said:
Hi all,

I've recently inherited over 400+ records, and i need help building a system. My thoughts are Pro-Ject Debut Carbon, Rotel RA-10 andTannoy DC6TSE speakers. But i'm worried that i won't get the best out of the speakers! I've a budget of around £2000. Any ideas?


But a bit more, but you'll be able to take everithing from your collection until the last drop!

Rega Brio R ( it has the better built in phono stage under £500) and a Rega RP3. Demo speakers that suit you tiber taste and room size!

You'll not regret, that's for sure!

I agree to spend more on the TT. The delicate sound from LPs can only can degrade from then onwards, so spend up to a third of your budget on the front end.

Rega is a foolproof choice, made in UK, and good dealers.
I would consider the Arcam A18 which is about £300, I think that will be better than the Rotel. The Rega Brio goes for around £350 nearly new or £400 ex demo with full warranty.
Ended up speeding more money and getting the RP6; the wife cried when she listened to the same song over the RP3
greg238sqn said:
Ended up speeding more money and getting the RP6; the wife cried when she listened to the same song over the RP3

Excellent good init

Ive got the same system........

Rega Brio R, DAC, RS3, RP6 with Nagaoka MP200
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
Pleased we could help! 😉

did you demo other TT, amps against the Rega gear? Or went right into it?

Tried the whole shooting match, Project Carbon, Rotel, Neat and the Rega. Loved the Rega because of the detail :grin:

Already thinking of the next spending spree, wife doesn't want all the CDs back in the house so trying to workout the best way?

Pioneer A50 or Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 with a NAS or DAC etc..

Not sure any ideas?
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
Pleased we could help! 😉

did you demo other TT, amps against the Rega gear? Or went right into it?

Tried the whole shooting match, Project Carbon, Rotel, Neat and the Rega. Loved the Rega because of the detail :grin:

Already thinking of the next spending spree, wife doesn't want all the CDs back in the house so trying to workout the best way?

Pioneer A50 or Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 with a NAS or DAC etc..

Not sure any ideas?
greg238sqn said:
Are you streaming through your DAC? If so how?

And is the Nagaoka MP200 better than the Exact?


Yes the MP200 is up there as one of the best MMs under £500

It kicks the Exact into smithereens IMO

Buy it - you will not be dissaponted, I have one on my RP6 i think its better than the 10x5 and logical choice is a Rega DAC
Regarding carts if you have the chance try the Goldring 1012gx or the 1042 they are wonderful carts, try this site to get some input:

Rega DAC and a Synology NAS can be a good solution for streaming, i've got my NAS into rega DAC USB input (the best input that rega dac has IMO) i've tried Squeezebox touch with (SBServer running in synology NAS) connected throught coax into Rega DAC and one day just tried connecting the NAS directly to Rega DAC and never went back to SBT, the improving in soun quality was amazing.

if you have a ithing android or ios you can controle the NAS with it.

Simple, clean and with a wonderful sound quality!
I think it really depends on how much of your budget you really want to spend on hi fi.

i was in the same position as you...mate moved away from Australia and gave me his entire vinyl collection to 'look after' 🙂

i ended up getting an ex demo Rotel RA-10 to replace a Sony I had for $200 (Aus), picked up a second hand Rega P3 (RB300) for $250 and a pair of Wharfedale 902's for $400. In pounds that's about 450 quid for lot, I'm sure you could get similar in the UK easy.

so yeah, just to put the cat amongst the got your record collection second hand, I would shop around and get more for your money in the second hand market. Can save yourself one and a half grand easy....spend it on some new vinyl of your own maybe?

Not rubbishing what everyone else has said though....I love the Rega I have, made in the UK sounds amazing. If I were to buy new (which I wouldn't) I would by Rega I think. Plus I'm a Brit living in Aus...I wouldn't have a choice.
Should have added that the reason I went for the Rotel was because of the Phono Stage you get for the $$$. What Hi Fi said that it had no right being this good for the money 🙂

that sounded pretty good to me and it is...stunning.

matched with the Rega and a decent cartridge I'm not sure you can get better for the money, a fraction of your 2K budget.

anyway, I've said too much...enough already!
Spend the bulk of the cash on the deck; I'll throw in Audio Technica's AT440MLa as my preferred cartridge. Unbelieveavly good tracker and lovely crystal clear playback. The Goldrings are good, but my memories of the 1012GX was one of a little too much warmth. I preferred the clarity of the AT, but opinions of course vary. For £170 or so (shop around) the AT still represents excellent VFM).

Good choice re: speakers, options vary for amplification, but Onkyo make for a good Tannoy partnership.


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