Cheers, point taken. What amp, speakers and analogue lead would you recommend?
My feeling is that you'll have a source that's quite a bit better than your amp and speakers, given your budget.
If I were you, I'd be looking for a second-hand amp on e-Bay for around £200. Discontinued models by Denon, Marantz, Arcam would fit the bill (sorry I can't give you the model numbers).
That would leave you the option of a pair of KEF LS50 speakers. Maybe your second-hand amp won't be able to drive them optimally, but you'd still have a lovely system with room to upgrade your amp in due course. It'd be a good, albeit slightly unbalanced system with room to grow.
I wouldn't spend any money on an analogue interconnect at this point.
That's just my strategy. Others may have better ideas.