Covenanter said:
There is a fundamental division and it centres around the word "fidelity". There are some of us who like the reproduction to be accurate, ie like the original or as close as we can achieve within out budget. Then there are those of us who want the reproduction to sound "good". These two things aren't necessarily the same thing!
This division also tends to be reflected between those who like classical as opposed to "pop" music. I guess this is because classical music lovers tend to have more access to the "original" as they can go to concerts and recordings tend to reflect concert performance. In the "pop" world this isn't necessarily the case.
People like the sound of vinyl and there is nothing wrong with that. However it isn't accurate although it may sound good.
I like my system to sound "right".....I personally don't get hung up on how this is achieved, just that it is achieved, whether through Valves, Vinyl, Digital, Active, Passive or Solid State.
How do I achieve this to my satisfaction (which is all that matters to me)...well I'll tell you how i don't do it:
- I don't trawl through endless measurements.
- I don't have preconceptions (or try hard not to).
- I don't blindly believe in marketing guff / reviews / personal endorsements on forums
- I don't do double blind ABX tests
What I do is completely personal, subjective and relies on:
- Having a baseline of what real instruments sound like (as you stated)
- Past experience and a reasonable understanding of how to achieve my goal.
- Lots of listening to different alternatives, which allows me to assess how different components stack up against each other (performance per £)
- Being aware that one's ears can be fooled, but also being aware that they are remarkably sensitive and usually point me in the right direction.
- Getting second opinions and doing some sort of blind test, where I think it's appropriate
- Enjoyment, which is a great measure of "rightness".
Getting fixated on equipment (imo) misses the point, and is not the same as having an open mind while having a reasonable understanding of the equipment.
Folks - IT'S ABOUT THE APPRECIATION OF MUSIC!....and in this most crucial of areas, you and I agree. :cheer: