Brush on arm?


New member
Mar 22, 2009
When I was much younger I remember my parents had a little cleaning arm looked like a second tone arm with a little brush on the end, seen them with a small roller on too, which you sat on the record and it followed the groves round cleaning the dust before it got to the needle, do thease things still exist?
It was called the dust bug and was great for spreading dust and rubbish evenly over the record surface. However, it was pretty useless at removing the dust.
LOL thank you.

I am fairly particular about cleaning the viynal before playing it and dont play unless it has had a thorough clean, so probably no need for dust bug just wondered if they were still around.
The Watts Dust-Bug...


Designed by Cecil Watts.

A 22 page pamphlet on record care by old Cecil. (pdf file)


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