I think one problem is that people walk into these hotel rooms and hang about at the back wall, or in room's corridor which would be next to the room's bathroom. Bass collects here, so anyone who has ever stood in these awkward places and said that wheat ever speakers in that room were sounding boomy, really should expect them to!
Anyway, I'll add some thoughts, as I was there for all three days.
Negatives? For me, the current Quads don't capture the magic that older Quads had. They now have better bass, and produce quite a big sound, but don't seem to be as transparent as they once were.
Wasnt keen on the Heed room at all. I know what the PMC Twenty series sound like, so either the Heed just didn't match them, or the Heed isn't too good.
The SVS room was being played way too loud. And with lip synch issue, which I find extremely annoying.
The JL room was in stark contrast - being played too quietly in comparison. Even so, the £2.2k sub just lack any get up and go, and reminded me of Sunfire subs. And with lip synch issue.
The KEF demo room had a lip synch issue too. That was the only negative I could pull from that room though.
The WHF room was suffering with lip synch issues too. Are most people immune to this! Am I part of an inflicted few?!
I thought the Blades were sounding a little bass light, lacking some depth. I don't know if this is the Leema electronics, or just the room or room placement.
The expensive Wilson Beneach speakers sounded ok, but I felt they should be putting in a better show performance fr their price point. I don't know if both Torus's were being used at the same time - I don't think they were.
I don't understand some manufacturers who pay a lot of money to be at the show and then either choose naff material to demo their products, dont demonstate them to their fullest capabilities, or just sit around like its the end of the world (its only three days for God's sake!). I just wish I could've took an AV system there and demonstrated it with some interesting and impressive demo material - it'd easily have been the best AV system at the show, putting quite a few to shame.
And we really shouldn't be hearing Money For Nothing any more, or seeing Jurassic Park. I heard the Pink Panther theme way too much on Sunday too...
The Spendor D7's in the Chord Cables room I found sounded better than they did in the Spendor room. Rather nice, and nice finish too.
The LS50's in the KEF room sounded pretty amazing with the Bobby McFerrin track.
The Arcam 'room' sounded great with the A19 driving the R300's - one of the better rooms at the show, in my opinion.
The PMC BB5SE's sounded good, but a speaker like that needs to be heard in familiar surroundings.
While I have the SVS room in the negatives, at least they tried to impress by giving a good "trouser flapping" performance. That SB13 was really giving it some!
While the Blades and LS50's lacked a little low end than I am used to them having, they did sound good in the Leema rooms, particularly the Blades, which I think just need better setting up or placement - I don't feel the room was too small.
The 4K Sony TV looked stunning!
Although some material sounded ok in the Chord Electronics room, I think the room itself doesn't do anything in it justice.
The Guru speakers sounded good, but were just a little bass heavy for me, becoming a little muddled as a result.