Brightness and detail goes hand in hand?


New member
Aug 9, 2007
My question is this : Does brightness generally mean more detail is audible, and does more detail generally have to come with more brightness? My observations seem to indicate that with brighter sounding components, I can hear the micro details more easily (although listener fatigue comes into play), but I have to strain a little more to hear the details with smoother sounding components. Does the two (ie. brightness and detail) have to go hand in hand? Or do we need to make a compromise and find the right balance between the two?


New member
Jul 28, 2007
[quote user="hifikrazy"]Or do we need to make a compromise and find the right balance between the two?[/quote]

That the main reason I had a big downgrade lat year! My last system I could hear everything! The musician's fingers miss a strings or a taxi waiting for the band outside studio! but I found the brightness is a bit too much for many recording and that included my favourate cds.


I agree, the more I upgrade my system, I find my listenable CD collection is getting smaller.


New member
Sep 25, 2007
Not necessarily I guess, it depends on what you mean by "details"
Bright and analytical systems tend to give an equal attention to musical and non-musical details.
With non-musical I mean "The musician's fingers miss a strings or a taxi waiting for the band outside studio! " which Thaiman describes very well and which is dreadful, I fully agree on that.
With musical details I mean the instruments timbre, vocals sonority etc.

I do not particularly agree on the fact that the more expensive the system, the brighter (and less musical) it gets, but system matching becomes even more important I guess.
Listen to a Mcintosh or Accuphase system and you'll get a very rich balanced sound with musical details a plenty - a sound which doesn't immediate stand out in your hifi dealers audition room, but one you'll never want to get rid of.


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