Brighten the sound a little


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Amp Marantz pm6007 DH Labs toslink from my asus pci e sound card into my amp and micca ish speaker cable + triangle esprit titus ez + a sub

Most tidal + youtube and twitch sounds comfortable, i have pleanty of bass and i can play loud enough for most situations

I just feel that i sometimes want a little more open,brighter sound, sometimes the midrange is a little dark or less open, to soft

I have tone controls on my amp but guess what, even when it's + 10 db, it's not doing to much since it's at 15khz

Is there something i can do to brighten the sound a little ?

My speakers are in no way bright and i do not like the highs from speakers like Dali zensor,B&W 607 s1 and s2 (s3 are better but still not good at high levels)

I have silver speaker cables that is okay but don't think it does it for me
Hi Gasoline,

Star of your system are speakers. Triangle are realy GOOD. Weaker point is your amp. Is not bad, but Triangle like to show shortcommings in system. This is not negative just feature of very good component/speaker. But I think mediocre (like handbrake) is your digital end. I recommend: try speaker cable as you write to change character of sound first. I think, what you here is limitation in your digital front and partly amp. Good QED cable or Cardas will work well with Triangle. But pls. try at home some solide streamer. Min. Node2 or3 to start. Or Cambridge Audio-full size component. At the end you may try Cambridge Audio amp 61 or 81. Here, it will be a big change in sound. I "play" with french speakers for some 25 years. They deserve only the best. Than it works. BR. Juraj
First of all i don't use a streamer, i would like to have wireless streaming = bt and my phone but it's not at all gonna be 1-2 hours every day.

I don't at all think the digital in on my amp is bad or mediocre and im not shure speaker cable would do it

if it were studio monitors i would raise the highs 1 or 2 db to tune, get a better balance (not the same effect as tone controls at 15 khz)

I can stil return my amp but think for the money you get alot buying a Marantz PM 6007 for just a little under 400 euros
Hi, as mentioned, your way of listening via bt from phone is very compressed. This is way worse than good streamer. Also CD will be lot better. Has no sense to invest into speakers etc., if source (most important component) is not on the level. Everyone of us here was some way starting, making a lot of misstakes. It is human.
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Any speaker cable above 4mm sq. OFC is pointless as any differences are purely the placebo effect, so will make no difference to the sound if you change them.
Marantz amps do tend to be a bit on the warm side with most speakers, (The final sound is always determined by how the speakers interreact with the speakers) so you may like to pop down to a dealer and try a few others with your speakers.
The room also plays a big part in the sound, so make sure you haven't got too may soft furnishings and curtains in the room which is damping the sound.
Finally, that you don't notice much (If any) difference in the sound with treble control full up (Assuming the tone controls aren't bypassed), check to make sure the tweeters are OK and that the links on the back of the speaker (If it has them) are secured tightly, after that it may be worth having your ears checked to make sure there are not any problems that have built up slowly over time, it is also natural to lose high frequency's as you get older, so don't forget to take this into account as well.

I tried joining X (Twitter) and failed at the captcha even though it said I was human, It seems a very elusive site.

My point is your never gonna find what your looking for, even when its right there.
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Folded Motion (TM) tweeters on lovely Martin-Logan LX16s have done it for me for about a decade. These were followed by similar Motion 15s.

I like CDs, SACDs, and vinyl, but also bluetooth from a Surface Pro to a Rotel A12 a lot.

Violins on several Vivaldi Four Seasons CDs, among others, horns in Kind of Blue, and Linda Ronstadt's glorious voice with Nelson Riddle, among many others, in original or FLAC forms will thrill you. Honest.
I never said i use bt, i wrote i want to have the option for bt

Sometimes i just feel the sound at low levels is to soft or lacking at upper midrange,slightly dark,soft at other times it's fine

Have experience with silver cable (qed silver anniversary xt) it just doesn't really do it 100% for me

15khz is much higher then 10khz which most tone controls operate at
Hi Gasoline,

Star of your system are speakers. Triangle are realy GOOD. Weaker point is your amp. Is not bad, but Triangle like to show shortcommings in system. This is not negative just feature of very good component/speaker. But I think mediocre (like handbrake) is your digital end. I recommend: try speaker cable as you write to change character of sound first. I think, what you here is limitation in your digital front and partly amp. Good QED cable or Cardas will work well with Triangle. But pls. try at home some solide streamer. Min. Node2 or3 to start. Or Cambridge Audio-full size component. At the end you may try Cambridge Audio amp 61 or 81. Here, it will be a big change in sound. I "play" with french speakers for some 25 years. They deserve only the best. Than it works. BR. Juraj

As i write, sometimes i miss some energy,openess in the upper midrange (analytic amp,speaker combo where some songs just don't sound right, less then perfect recording ?)

General my speakers ar not in anyway as forward as B&W 600 s1 and s2 series or dali zensor,oberon and that is a good thing, because it makes me able to play loud without any listening fatigue but a find balance not to have a to soft midrange or highs at low levels
There is loads here that could be contributing to your lack of high level perception and your recessed mids.

Its impossible for anyone to give definitive advice as we’re not there. But in situations like this and in my experience this is placement issue and not gear, no cable / amp change for that matter is going to be that apparent and bring about night and day differences people talk about. The only thing that can make sweep changes that you will really notice is the room and how you place the gear/and furniture within it.

I’d try bringing the speakers out from the corners/front wall a lot further and try to separate them up further many have them far to close together creating a very narrow wall of sound which robs the sound of excitement.

Try some toe in pointing the drivers straight at the ears.

Try moving your self sometimes it’s the listener in wrong position.

Remember the hifi basics, triangles, and all equal distances these simple rules they really work.
Ie if the speakers are 50cm from the wall so your head should be as well (starting point)

Do all the free stuff
Placement is what it is, can't be much more different

Highs are not different if i listen directly at the tweeter

I did how ever try something, my O-NOORUS PA-316 Class d amp, not shure what hz the highs are but feel i's more 10khz then 15 khz which my PM 6007 is and i feel the sound is clearer and more open after adjusting the highs

For some reason i also feel the bass is tighter

So my thought is, would something like 10khz for the tone control of the highs,treble be better and should i get a class d amp ?

wiim amp ?

Here is what im listening to atm

2024-07-29 01_30_09-Uduboo - TakéDaké, John Kaizan Neptune.jpg
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You could achieve the same moving the speakers 10mm and toeing them in 5 degrees. And it’s free can’t see the reluctance to try it, but hey ho. It’s your money, I’ll never tell anyone to spend money especially when you’re punting
Baffling post.
You obviously feel the need for some 'top end air' to be added to your overall sound.

You could try using the sound cards analog out and play around with the ASUS control panel. It may have built in EQ or you could try using realtek HD to massage the sound to your liking.

Or you could tile one of the walls in your listening space.

IMHO, expecting speaker cables and interconnects to make the improvements that you desire is probably just a waste of money.

PS. thanks for the playlist!
'The Spirit of Dun Dun' sounds great on my system... loads of top end air and deep (but well balanced and separated) punchy drums.
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PS. exactly which ASUS sound card are you using? I doubt that it is doing you any favors. Streaming Tidal directly from your wi fi router to the digital in on a good amp/streamer may well be the ticket.
Or perhaps give these a go?


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PS. exactly which ASUS sound card are you using? I doubt that it is doing you any favors. Streaming Tidal directly from your wi fi router to the digital in on a good amp/streamer may well be the ticket.
Or perhaps give these a go?
Where are they found? I want these for concerts. Truly.
woow, not a hing of any unnaturally softness
Never had my triangle sound so lively, open , full of energy in the highs

less subtle/dull in the highs

Inakustik Referenz LS-502
Inakustik Referenz BFA-103 (rhodium)

2024-07-31 17_18_12-Inakustik Referenz LS-502 højttalerkabel – Google Chrome.jpg
2024-07-31 17_17_59-Inakustik Referenz BFA-103 bananstik – Google Chrome.jpg
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