I have just been to currys in New Malden,Surrey, and they have a new display of 3D models . Every model of The3D Samsung range is on show with brand new content of 3D material. I have been slowly brainwashed by the forum over the past 2 weeks that the Panasonic VT20 is the hot TV of the moment,so much so that i was starting to doubt my purchase of the Samsung ue46c8000 that i am awaiting delivery of. However i have gotta tell you , the demo i have had was simply sensational on the Sammy.3D was superb but more importantly (with amount of 3D content available ) 2D pictures were truly awesome. I did do a back to back demo with the Panasonic and yes , the Panny is also superb, but taken as a package, especially if you are thinking of wallmounting , then for me , The Samsung edges it.Also , I also urge anyone looking to buy to visit them, they have by far the best selection of all the models to view,far better than BestBuy, and going back to another thread i read recently, forum views are just that "views".. Have a personal demo and make your own mind up,i have..