One last update from me.
I gave the amp it's first proper workout with the volume cranked up, last night, with the new Blu Ray of 'The Possession'. It was soooooo good!
Dialogue was clear as a bell, and the soundscape was huge, powerful, tight and clear, without distortion. Whereas my Old Sony would harden up when pushed, this amp just gets louder and louder without the sound quality changing. The amp has just loads of attack, too. I watch loads of horrors, and i'm pretty much immune to their scares, but last night during the film, when a jump scare happened, the accompanying music came at you so fast that me and the missus literally jumped. It made the film really enjoyable even though the film itself wasn't brilliant.
My plan was to get this as a punt, as it was so cheap, just to fill in until I got the funds together for another amp at around the £800-£1000 mark. But the cheap old Sony has impressed me so much that I may just stick with it
I have been thinking about it and I wonder how much extra sound quality i'd get with a newer amp, anyway. On the newer amps, you obviously pay a premium for the newer technologies, such as 9.1 or 11.1 amplification, HD audio decoding, Wifi and the like. For someone like me, who's happy (for now, at least) with DTS and a bi-amped, 5.1 system, maybe I wouldn't see much improvement, if any at all, by getting a new £800 - £1000 amp? I'm sure amps over the £1000 would start to have superior ampification, but in the price bracket i'm talking about, surely the majority, if not all, of the extra cash has gone on the extra channels of amplification and other features, not the quality of the amplification itself?
What do other people think? Am I right or talking poo?
Oh, and Richard, you may have guessed from this post that i'm loving this amp! If you can find one on the 'Bay, get it matey!