Bluesound poernode vs parasound halo integrated with QA concept 40 speakers


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi all !Was meaning to write this earlier. But one lead to the other, and things got delayed. So, here is me just thinking aloud about the switch to a different amplifier.Bluesound powernode ( Class D / 45 W per channel into 4 ohms ) vs Parasound Halo integrated ( Class AB / 240 W per channel into 4 ohms )
Speakers - Qacoustics Concept 40 ( 90 db sensitivity, Impedence - 8 ohms )
Listening room - 11ft x 11 ft ( Huge glass french window to the right of the listening space. Left side opens into the dining room )
Reason for upgrade - The amp was upgraded for more power, and for better integration of sub woofer
Source - Blue sound powernode playing normal mp3 files via NAS / The yamaha WXC-50 streaming in,'player mode' via optical cable into the inbuilt dac of the Parasound Halo from the same NAS. I had resumed causal listening with the old combination of powernode and QA concept 40's to get familiar with their usual sound signature. This has always sounded good. The pitch black back ground, and very clear sound of the class-D powernode, adds to the clarity and refinement of the concept 40 speakers. The Concept 40's are also excellent with vocals. Their only set back, if I may call it that, is that on very upbeat tracks, they sometimes dont convey the whole energy. But apart from their slightly laid back nature felt on EDM tracks, they are awesome speakers in every other way. I had bought the parasound halo integrated to better integrate a sub woofer into my stereo setup. Though Iam presently running the speakers full range, as i dont have a sub at hand. And the additional power also mattered, as was its all-in-one ability to keep my box count small. Once having switched from the powernode to parasound, the difference at my initial low listening volumes, was not immediately apparent. Perhaps a bit more clarity, like what folks refer to as better seperation of instruments. And I will again say the word 'perhaps' because the difference was not markedly different with the low quality mp3's i have. It could have just been expectation bias.And as i start to crank up the volume, the extra power of the parasound starts to show its marked presence and benefit. There is a sense that the speakers are being driven with ever increasing authority. The grip is phenomenal and the bass sounds tighter. I also get the sense, that the parasound tracks rythms without missing out the smallest details. I was tapping my foot for the first time, to so many tracks i've listened to over the years. And every track reminds me of 2 words - authority and rythm. Where the bluesound powernode just glides over the track and smoothes out the finer nuances in rythm, the parasound stresses every minute change. This was very apparent even on the low quality tracks i have. The other issue I always had in my setup, was my right speaker being closer in a corner and the left speaker in free air. Thus, the right speaker always sounded louder and skewed the stereo image. With the balance control, I managed to get the stereo image bang in front of my listening chair, aided by my daughter adjusting the balance control. I wish parasound could provide this on the well laid out remote, so that the listener can adjust the stereo image directly without any external help.I also tried the yamaha wxc-50 in pre-amp mode, using its in-built Dac. Again i could'nt hear differences between the dac of the yamaha and the parasound. Perhaps others can find differences on higher quality tracks. But one thing iam certain about, the parasound drives the concept 40's to within inches of their death. I never heard these concept 40's croone like they did these last few days. They were previously driven by sony str-dn 850, marantz sr6011 and bluesound powernode. But, the parasound comfortably beats them by a mile. And the difference increases with volume. The parasound increasing its grip and authority with more current. I must admit i was pleasantly surprised with the parasound. And absolutely no qualms with it. Will add a sub later and see. Because the main strength of the parasound is in 2.1 channel integration. Thanks.
Sounds like a keeper that Parasound amp!

Your description reminds me of when I went from a 38w amp to a pre-power combo - there is just so much more control which translates into clarity, authority, scale, power & punch, etc

Enjoy, but spend some time with the family too *smile*
newlash09 said:
Hi all !Was meaning to write this earlier. But one lead to the other, and things got delayed. So, here is me just thinking aloud about the switch to a different amplifier.Bluesound powernode ( Class D / 45 W per channel into 4 ohms ) vs Parasound Halo integrated ( Class AB / 240 W per channel into 4 ohms )Speakers - Qacoustics Concept 40 ( 90 db sensitivity, Impedence - 8 ohms )Listening room - 11ft x 11 ft ( Huge glass french window to the right of the listening space. Left side opens into the dining room )Reason for upgrade - The amp was upgraded for more power, and for better integration of sub wooferSource - Blue sound powernode playing normal mp3 files via NAS / The yamaha WXC-50 streaming in,'player mode' via optical cable into the inbuilt dac of the Parasound Halo from the same NAS. I had resumed causal listening with the old combination of powernode and QA concept 40's to get familiar with their usual sound signature. This has always sounded good. The pitch black back ground, and very clear sound of the class-D powernode, adds to the clarity and refinement of the concept 40 speakers. The Concept 40's are also excellent with vocals. Their only set back, if I may call it that, is that on very upbeat tracks, they sometimes dont convey the whole energy. But apart from their slightly laid back nature felt on EDM tracks, they are awesome speakers in every other way. I had bought the parasound halo integrated to better integrate a sub woofer into my stereo setup. Though Iam presently running the speakers full range, as i dont have a sub at hand. And the additional power also mattered, as was its all-in-one ability to keep my box count small. Once having switched from the powernode to parasound, the difference at my initial low listening volumes, was not immediately apparent. Perhaps a bit more clarity, like what folks refer to as better seperation of instruments. And I will again say the word 'perhaps' because the difference was not markedly different with the low quality mp3's i have. It could have just been expectation bias.And as i start to crank up the volume, the extra power of the parasound starts to show its marked presence and benefit. There is a sense that the speakers are being driven with ever increasing authority. The grip is phenomenal and the bass sounds tighter. I also get the sense, that the parasound tracks rythms without missing out the smallest details. I was tapping my foot for the first time, to so many tracks i've listened to over the years. And every track reminds me of 2 words - authority and rythm. Where the bluesound powernode just glides over the track and smoothes out the finer nuances in rythm, the parasound stresses every minute change. This was very apparent even on the low quality tracks i have. The other issue I always had in my setup, was my right speaker being closer in a corner and the left speaker in free air. Thus, the right speaker always sounded louder and skewed the stereo image. With the balance control, I managed to get the stereo image bang in front of my listening chair, aided by my daughter adjusting the balance control. I wish parasound could provide this on the well laid out remote, so that the listener can adjust the stereo image directly without any external help.I also tried the yamaha wxc-50 in pre-amp mode, using its in-built Dac. Again i could'nt hear differences between the dac of the yamaha and the parasound. Perhaps others can find differences on higher quality tracks. But one thing iam certain about, the parasound drives the concept 40's to within inches of their death. I never heard these concept 40's croone like they did these last few days. They were previously driven by sony str-dn 850, marantz sr6011 and bluesound powernode. But, the parasound comfortably beats them by a mile. And the difference increases with volume. The parasound increasing its grip and authority with more current. I must admit i was pleasantly surprised with the parasound. And absolutely no qualms with it. Will add a sub later and see. Because the main strength of the parasound is in 2.1 channel integration. Thanks.

Told you it was good.

Glad it's working out well for you.
The PMC's have been a harrowing roller coaster so far. Managed to get things in order only today. Will post my roller coaster tale in a seperate thread. Thanks for your wishes 🙂


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