Black Ravioli


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I think it is a good thing that companys are taken to task over their claims (surprising as that may seem), as it makes them think twice over the wording.

On the other hand, I believe BR works (which is why I got some), though it is too expensive...and think it's a shame that this will have it placed even more firmly in the "snake oil" department.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
If I understand correctly, they were claiming that their anti vibration pads were usefully elimating harmful "bad vibration" even when theHiFi equipment is turned off. That sort of nonsense is beyond parody.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Never used it, so I can't judge if it works or not. But, it can only be a very good thing that accessory-manufacturers offering the HiFi equivalent of baldness cures are being reeled-in. Expect to see lots of ads reworded to include litigation-avoiding key disclaimers startng with "can", "maybe", "possibly" etc, along with "ymmv".


New member
Jan 20, 2012
CnoEvil said:
I think it is a good thing that companys are taken to task over their claims (surprising as that may seem), as it makes them think twice over the wording.

On the other hand, I believe BR works (which is why I got some), though it is too expensive...and think it's a shame that this will have it placed even more firmly in the "snake oil" department.

I wonder how much consideration of the ASA goes into deciding what someone puts into an advert? It seems that the only sanction is that the advert has to be withdrawn and by the time they actually adjudicate it may well be time for a new advert anyway. ASA needs more sanctions and the courage to use them.

I understand Russ Andrews has fallen foul of the ASA on more than one occasion yet this doesn't seem to diminish the tome that drops through my letter-box.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
What is this stuff made of?

I have seen references to technology derived from nuclear submarines but that could equally apply to anything found on a nuclear sub like a dishwasher or knives and forks or mattresses.

Is BR just a bloke who bought a few tons of ordinary, left-over rubber cheaply from BAE systems in Barrow after a sub re-fit* and asked his wife to sew bits of it into miniature black cushion covers?

Or is there some actual technology going on?

*Cno, you might want to run a geiger counter over this stuff :)


The_Lhc said:
jcbrum said:
CnoEvil said:
I believe BR works (which is why I got some),

What causes you to believe that it works, Cno ?

Personal experience perhaps?

Lhc, your presumption of Cno's beliefs is not much to go on. Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
jcbrum said:
The_Lhc said:
jcbrum said:
CnoEvil said:
I believe BR works (which is why I got some),

What causes you to believe that it works, Cno ?

Personal experience perhaps?

Lhc, your presumption of Cno's beliefs is not much to go on.

It's all he had to go on though.

Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.

Perhaps he will, I expect it goes something like, "I tried it for myself and felt it made such a difference that, expensive as it is, it was worth purchasing for my own system.".

What more would you expect, beyond trivial details?


New member
Aug 21, 2009
jcbrum said:
CnoEvil said:
I believe BR works (which is why I got some),

What causes you to believe that it works, Cno ?


Suprising as it may seem, I tried it.

To make sure of my findings, I did my own version of a blind rest on it.

When I thought I could hear s difference, I got Mrs. Cno to sit while I either removed or replaced pads under my DS. She didn't know what the stuff was, what it was supposed to do, or whether I was putting pads in, or taking them out. Once she became familiar with the effect it had, she could tell, without exception, whether pads were being removed or replaced.

I am not going to get drawn into yet another argument on this stuff with people who haven't tried it......been there and got the T-shirt.

I am not surprised that it is hard, if not impossible, to measure what it does and the difference it makes (and I do realize there are those who won't believe anything unless it can be measured)......and the company should not make objective statements over a subjective far as I can tell, the ruling didn't say that it didn't work, but that objective measurements were not provided to back up the claims.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
jcbrum said:
Lhc, your presumption of Cno's beliefs is not much to go on. Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.


I described it here:


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
CnoEvil said:
jcbrum said:
Lhc, your presumption of Cno's beliefs is not much to go on. Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.


I described it here:

So, not a presumption on my part then, more, well, reading words on a screen really...


New member
Aug 21, 2009
The_Lhc said:
So, not a presumption on my part then, more, well, reading words on a screen really...

You were right!

What makes anybody think anything is "better" and can you always measure what makes it so (imaging, soundstage etc)?


The_Lhc said:
Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.

Perhaps he will, I expect it goes something like, "I tried it for myself and felt it made such a difference that, expensive as it is, it was worth purchasing for my own system.".

What more would you expect, beyond trivial details?

Lhc, perhaps you are trying to be helpful, but really you aren't.

Your suppositions and presumptions about Cno's experience are irrelevent and too far removed from the fact. Let Cno tell us from first-hand experience what happened, and what he observed.



New member
May 25, 2011
All about 'changes' . . . it is then up to the individual if he or she thinks its 'better', that is 'completley subjective'. One mans (or womans) better is anothers worse, we dont all think or like the same things. However over many years there are fundamentals that individuals can get very passionate about, there are equaly individuals who dont undestand said fudamentals, or even, dont want to understand!

Personaly, one has not tried BR, although one has tried rubbery items claimed to do things for 'vibration' in a hifi system . . . :wall:

I'm happy with my own views on the subject.



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
jcbrum said:
The_Lhc said:
Perhaps Cno will describe his experience which led to his beliefs.

Perhaps he will, I expect it goes something like, "I tried it for myself and felt it made such a difference that, expensive as it is, it was worth purchasing for my own system.".

What more would you expect, beyond trivial details?

Lhc, perhaps you are trying to be helpful, but really you aren't.

Your suppositions and presumptions about Cno's experience are irrelevent and too far removed from the fact. Let Cno tell us from first-hand experience what happened, and what he observed.

You didn't read the link to his previous thread then?


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
EDIT: Might as well make use of an annoying duplicate post...

CnoEvil said:
The_Lhc said:
So, not a presumption on my part then, more, well, reading words on a screen really...

You were right!

I remembered the thread from before, I don't know whether I agree with the theory behind BR, I'm not likely to try it myself (budget doesn't really allow it) but if you're happy I don't see what the problem is.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
CJSF said:
All about 'changes' . . . it is then up to the individual if he or she thinks its 'better', that is 'completley subjective'. One mans (or womans) better is anothers worse, we dont all think or like the same things. However over many years there are fundamentals that individuals can get very passionate about, there are equaly individuals who dont undestand said fudamentals, or even, dont want to understand!

Personaly, one has not tried BR, although one has tried rubbery items claimed to do things for 'vibration' in a hifi system . . . :wall:

I'm happy with my own views on the subject.


IMO. Stands make a difference to the way a speaker sounds, and different designs have different effects...and generally people would agree, because they have used them at one time or another. My question is, can the full effect of this "improvement" be measured, and if not, would get the same verdict as BR?


Cno, Thank-you, I read your posts on the other BR thread which you linked to, with interest.

I have one question that I would like to ask.

Do you, yourself, conclude that the changes in sound which you heard were actually due to some physical process on a scientific physical level which caused the electronics in your equipment to respond to the prescence of BR,

Or, do you conclude that although you actually heard changes in the sounds, they were due to changes in your own psychology, possibly due to expectation bias, and there was no actual change in the electronic equipment's behaviour ?


the record spot

I'd imagine that most of us (in the general population) wouldn't be readily in a position to answer that, especially the first element of your query JC. If it were me, I expect my answer would be "Perhaps", to both.


Well-known member
May 3, 2010
CnoEvil said:
CJSF said:
All about 'changes' . . . it is then up to the individual if he or she thinks its 'better', that is 'completley subjective'. One mans (or womans) better is anothers worse, we dont all think or like the same things. However over many years there are fundamentals that individuals can get very passionate about, there are equaly individuals who dont undestand said fudamentals, or even, dont want to understand!

Personaly, one has not tried BR, although one has tried rubbery items claimed to do things for 'vibration' in a hifi system . . . :wall:

I'm happy with my own views on the subject.


IMO. Stands make a difference to the way a speaker sounds, and different designs have different effects...and generally people would agree, because they have used them at one time or another. My question is, can the full effect of this "improvement" be measured, and if not, would get the same verdict as BR?

Exactly and that's why I made my little comment under the link to the article.

Btw Cno, this post wasn't raised to point the finger at you, just thought it was something that should be brought to the forum. So apologies if you have been dragged into defending a product you and many other people believe in.

Never having tried it, I am not qualified to have an opinion myself, so as with all such things, cables, stands isolation platforms, etc I keep an open mind.



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