CnoEvil said:
CJSF said:
I find this all very strange, BR works . . . that seems to be for those who have actualy tried it? . . . but the price is a joke, how much!!!!? And yet you will accept that speaker cable at £50 to £300pm is OK . . . there is something not right with hifi enthusiasts???
You of all people should know the often surprising effects these things can have. How do you put a value on what you hear? .....problematical at best. As you rightly say, comments are meaningless and speculative, until the product is actually heard.
How right you are Cno, only the ears can be the judge of a products worthiness. The bank balance is the regulator of the purchase.
But I hear the 'laughter of those who have not tried' . . . ??? I have been the butt of such ridicule.
However, I do see the 'what can we charge? . . . be vague, its a black art' creeping in, cables and damping/isolation, areas I have first-hand experience and practical knowledge of.
Its simple, 'you pays your money and takes your choice' . . . a familiar quote . . . Personally, I look at all areas, generally take the budget route, price forces this in some instances, but as a tweaker I enjoy the challenge, 'biggest bang for the smallest buck', thats a fact of 'my' life . . . :rofl: