Bitstream or PCM???


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Please excuse my ignorance but could someone explain the following:

In the sound menu of my Toshiba TV, these is a setting for Bitstream or PCM.

I know what PCM is, but what is the difference between Bitstrem and PCM, and what setting should I be using

Thanks for your anticipated reply

It depends on your amplifier. Some of them can output DTS HD etc only by decoding bitstream signal. So, if your TV is connected via HDMI to amp u need to read user instructions to find out what settings are the most suitable for u. If not, do not worry about it.

Bitstream sends the signal out relying on the connected equiquipment to understand the format.
So outputting Bitstream of Dolby True HD you would need an amp that can handle that.

If you ouput PCM the sound is already decoded so the receiving equipment does not need to support the original codec.

So IMHO if you have a current amp that supports all the HD sound formats then Bitstream is the way to go.

... I think
Thanks guys for your replies, but I'm still confused as to what bitstream is (as opposed to PCM.)

I have no amp connected to my TV - so what setting should I use on the TV?

Please pardon my ignorance about this but the TV manual is no help as to the functions of these formats.
If you're not using an amp it doesn't matter. Basically, this must be for outputting sound through the TV's optical output - bitstreaming just means the sound is output in its native format (whatever that may be) whereas PCM means any sound will first be decoded to PCM before being output via the digital output.

If you let me know the model number of the TV, I can take a look and make sure, but as I say, if you're not using an AV amp, it doesn't matter to you anyway.
Unless the sound is processed through the TV (but you shouldn't do this of course).


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