bi amp question


New member
Nov 10, 2011
Hi i'm looking at changing my nad c352 amp and upgrade to a roksan kandy k2 intergrated amp,i have got a nad c272 power amp with my c352,could i combine the c272 with the roksan k2 or is it best to bi amp with the same name
donlogan said:
Hi i'm looking at changing my nad c352 amp and upgrade to a roksan kandy k2 intergrated amp,i have got a nad c272 power amp with my c352,could i combine the c272 with the roksan k2 or is it best to bi amp with the same name

it is best to get rid of the lot and buy a better integrated.

if you insist on mixing and matching the biggest improvement will come from getting a better preamp.

A Croft Micro (whatever version you prefer) plus your NAD power amp will easily outperform everything you mention in your post.

BTW> Bi-amping is, generably an expensive way of getting not very much other than the hassle of making sure your amplifiers are 'gain matched', avoid.
Thanks for the reply,would it be beneficial just to get the roksan k2 and add the roksan k2 power amp?

would i be upgrading on sound quality compared to my nad c352 and c272 power amp combo,i'm using the amps to run two technics 1210's and an allen and heath xone 42 mixer,but only for home use
Why, if you are using a mixer do you need a pre-amp?

And why do you insist on throwing money away bi-amping when it makes no real difference. I am somewhat at a loss as to what you are trying to achieve.

If I was DJing from your decks and mixer conbination I would simply by the bigest, most potent pair of active studio monitors I could afford.

Try Adam F7, Presonus Eris8, Adam A7x and A8x and Mackie HR824 as examples.

All these models are bi-amplified but in a fully active configuration, much superior the the half baked passive bi-amping that you are contemplating.
Thanks for that,i am only a novice when it comes to equipment,i thought the roksan or another amp might be an upgrade option,but due to my lack of hifi knowledge i have to ask on forums like this
donlogan said:
Thanks for that,i am only a novice when it comes to equipment,i thought the roksan or another amp might be an upgrade option,but due to my lack of hifi knowledge i have to ask on forums like this

It would help if you explained more fully what you trying to achieve.

Is this primarily a vinyl dj system?

Do you have other sources, if so can they be played through your mixer?

You say this is for home use but will it be used for house parties?

Do you just want the best sound possible, do you need the system to be flexible, ie change into a regular home stereo or a/v system down the line.

And it would be nice to have a budget, what are you prepared to put into the project at this time?

Really it depends on what you are trying to achieve, try and explain if you can.

Finally, why this obsession with Roksan amplifiers?
not obsessed with roksan k2 just interested,i only mix at home to record mixes for myself,i was interested in upgrading the amplifier budget of around a grand,i enjoy playing albums through it so its not all mixing,just trying to find out about an upgrade that will probably be my last upgrade
donlogan said:
not obsessed with roksan k2 just interested,i only mix at home to record mixes for myself,i was interested in upgrading the amplifier budget of around a grand,i enjoy playing albums through it so its not all mixing,just trying to find out about an upgrade that will probably be my last upgrade

Sorry if I came across a bit pushy, just really trying to get a handle on what you trying to do.

A few general pointers.

Your mixer is in effect a pre-amp, you can just use a power amp. No need for an integrated or pre-power unless you need the facilities.

Your current amp and speakers are fine, I am not sure what upgrading to the Kandy is meant to achieve, it will change the sound but only in ways that are largely superficial, ie a bit more/less bass, a bit brighter (or not).

If you are attempting to make and record your own mixes then active studio monitors are built for the job. They just plug into your mixer, you need nothing else. I suggested several models in an earlier post, if you do not need to play loud then something like the Presonus Eris8 will do a very good job, both as a monitor for your mixes and just for listening to music.

They are available for a touch under £400, for that you get a good 8 inch two way speaker with onboard 75 watt amplifier for the bass and 65 watts for the tweeter, these amps are directly connected to the drive units after the electronic crossover, the result being far more drive and control than you will get from 'hi-fi style' passive bi-amping.

If you really want to hear what is going on in your mixes, then this is the way to go.
Thanks that makes sense,appreciate your help

could you just go through how to set up what you said,mainly what connects where,i will look into getting some monitors too
Should be absolutely straightforward.

Your Xone will have main outputs, usually jack plugs but may be rca/phono or even XLR.

The monitors I mentioned will have the same. just get Jack to Jack or similar leads. Remember these have to reach to wherever your speakers will be, so make sure they are long enough.

The speakers need power for the onboard amps so need to be plugged into the mains, otherwise that is it.

Read the manuals, play with the controls to see what they do and take it from there.
donlogan said:
Thanks that makes sense,appreciate your help

could you just go through how to set up what you said,mainly what connects where,i will look into getting some monitors too
Bear in mind that DDC is obsessive about active setups and forget that most pro ones don't sound remotely good in the home, if all you do is want to listen to music. He's also wrong about NAD, which make fine gear, but I'd agree there's little to gain much going to Roksan if anything.

If you want to be a DJ then sell the lot and do as DDC says, but if you want a decent hifi, don't. The choice is yours.
altruistic.lemon said:
donlogan said:
Thanks that makes sense,appreciate your help

could you just go through how to set up what you said,mainly what connects where,i will look into getting some monitors too
Bear in mind that DDC is obsessive about active setups and forget that most pro ones don't sound remotely good in the home, if all you do is want to listen to music. He's also wrong about NAD, which make fine gear, but I'd agree there's little to gain much going to Roksan if anything.

If you want to be a DJ then sell the lot and do as DDC says, but if you want a decent hifi, don't. The choice is yours.

Ah, morning Al, wondered when you would turn up with your two cents......... :type:

Thats right Al, so obsessive that my main system uses valves and ribbon hybrid passive loudspeakers, it is only my desktop system that uses a very inexpensive pair of active speakers.

I'm not going to argue with you, it is a waste of time so I will simply urge the OP, and anyone else interested, to try the active option where it is appropriate.

See, even a post that is factually incorrect and deliberately promoting you opinions as facts does not phase my new inner calm.

New years resolution to be polite, even to the hopelessly uninformed is still holding.......... :cheers:
Thanks i want something that sounds good too which i think i have got anyway,i aalways get this problem,usually i have a decent set up then start wondering on the next upgrade


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