The main guys there made sure to clarify the advertising point, giving him full due for a personal review not tied to sales, at least not directly. My sense of it is that post would be a strong feature wherever they put it, so they're going to have to spend some serious time absorbing all of it and deciding how to take best advantage of it. They have a potential goldmine in this guy, and he's only 29(!) years old, so sky's the limit, eh? The only downside is, page #1 is 99 percent information-dense, then the next 5000 pages (by this time next month) will add essentially nothing. Too bad that moderators can't go back (I don't think) and insert a post #2 (bumping all the other posts down one position), which would say "We've carefully examined the next 500 or so pages and this single post (#2) contains the only useful information from those pages." - So call me cynical, but I like to serve my customers with documents that are info-dense so they don't get bored and cause trouble.
Edit: By the time I was 29 I probably bought at least 100 headphones, and some other expensive gear. But I never put so much money into one amp or music server setup etc. like that $40000 system of his. In the 1980's I purchased about $250k USD of computer gear, which brought in some great business and consulting fees, but I could never see putting that kind of money into a pile of electronic stuff just to sit at home while I'm spending most of my time working. That David guy is definitely in the right job.