Better Router?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

would be grateful for any advice/opinions.

At present, l have a Netgear G 108mbps router, that's used for wirelessly feeding a couple of pc's, laptop, x box. No real problems, freezes very occasionaly, but generally reliable & dead spot free.

l've recently gone onto the Spotify premium service & enabled the higher bit rate. The pc l listen through has an M Audio sound, through an amp/speakers etc. The sound quality is good & l want to make sure it's the best for this set up.

Consequently, would an up grade to a Netgear N 300mbps router/ N adapter make any difference?
I would not have thought so. If your current set up handles the data being sent with no issues (and I expect it should) then I do not think the upgraded router will have much influence.

There are others on here though that are more PC minded so I'm sure they will correct me if i'm wrong
Agreed-carry on as you are- however my experience is if you end up with several houses around you all using wireless,it could get interference especially with these damned BT N hubs.If that is the case change the channel on your router to the lower end( 3-6) as the BT's default to the upper end.If you do encounter problems after that ,then a wirelesss extender may be required but as Messiah says if it is currently working then don't panic.

PS -one of the first things to start showing if there is a problem is logging on to messenger live (certainly here anyway -and not me -the kids)
Just to confirm, no reason at all to upgrade your wireless network for Spotify. I run a g network (54 Mbps) and this copes no problem at all with Apple Lossless streaming, plus internet and a host of other activities going on. It does really struggle with streaming video though, and this is pretty much the only thing I've personally found so far which requires the extra bandwidth provided by the n network.

So long as you're not getting any interruptions in the music playback, your wireless network is working just fine.
Thanks to all for your response.

l'll continue enjoying the music!


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