Best system for under 8,000 pounds?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am in the market for a new set of floor speakers, a pre and power amp plus a quality CD player. I have a fairly large room (8m Sq), wooden floor. What would folks suggest as the ideal combination? Thanks for your guidance.
Would valves be part of the equation....if they are, see below.....just add a CDP of your choice....
For that sort of dosh, I would have a lengthy audition of Naim gear............
Welcome to the forum Charlie

That's hell of a request you've put down! It's a wide audience and an even wider target area!

What would be handy to know is what music do you predominantly listen to and how is your room to be laid out with the hifi in there? Also; are you after standmount speakers or floorstanders or are you not bothered?
Have saved hard and long! Music taste is wide and vaied, its probably more rock than classical but need system that hadles both well. Its a square room with windows on three sides, speakers would probably go agaisnt the wall without windows. Would prefer floorstanders but open to options. Looking for quality combined with simplicity and reliability here...many thanks
thanks for the feedback, happy with valves so like the suggestion!
What can you demo.....thats your starting point. Dont rush...spending that much will and should take time.....
Well for that kind of music I think you'd have to look at Naim, Cyrus, Arcam for the amp and source

Speaker wise I would be looking at B&W, Monitor Audio, Neat, Spendor, Wilson Benesch and ProAc
A demonstration is essential as with your budget there are so many choices. When you have listened to a few systems then you will have a far clearer idea of what sound you like.

Do you have a dealer nearby that you can visit?
Naim CD5 X player (£1,750)
Naim NAC 152 XS pre amplifier (£900)
Naim NAP XS power amplifier (£1100)
Naim XS power supply (£675)
Neat Momentum 4i floorstanders (2,785)

Total= £7210

The rest you need to use for cables and a decent stand.

If you don't like Naim- go for Roksan- but use the neat speakers.

I have the following

Lector CDP (£2400)

Nordost SPM Interconnect (£800)

Graaf GM50 Amp (£4000)

Audience AU Speaker Cable (£800)

Art Emotion Speakers (£5000)

I know this adds up to £13,000 but i got the equipment ex dem/second hand for £5,700

Before this I had MF, Marantz, Plinius, Lemma, B&W, Wilson benesch and dali but was never quite happy.....until now. Fantastic with all music
You beat me to it in a round about way wickerman. Charlie, dont discount going down the ex dem route. You can get a seriously good set up for that kind of money if you go ex dem, and you should still get the guarantees.
charliemoore: I am in the market for a new set of floor speakers, a pre and power amp plus a quality CD player. I have a fairly large room (8m Sq), wooden floor. What would folks suggest as the ideal combination? Thanks for your guidance. As already mentioned, a couple of demo's will give you a clearer idea of what you're after. Most of what you should try has already been mentioned, but the Naim route is a good start as it's extremely upgradable, so you're not left with a dead end system. Choice of speakers is extremely personal, and have to be carefully matched to the electronics you decide to go for.
I think the names Leben and Harbeth would be very high on my wish list of products to listen to.
I'd be looking firmly in the territory of:

Unison Research

Audio Analogue

Sonus Faber

Wilson Benesch




And many many more. Take a trip along to somewhere like UKD in Slough for a demo.
Thanks for the help so far...I have just had a look at the 'almost new market' and one supplier has suggested the following:

Eminent Technology LFT 8B speakers, plus one of these combinations;

1)Coda CSI Balanced integrated amplifier with Krell 300CD Cd player

2)Coda CLX Preamp and CSX Power Amp with Krell 300CD Cd player

3)Restek Vector Preamp and Restek Tensor Power Amp with

Classe CDP1.5 Cd player

Do people have a view here?

Many thanks

And playing to the suggestion of the Neat and Naim here are the combinations I have pulled together..


1 Pr Neat Motive 1, L.Speaker

1 Unit Naim CD5i-2, CD Player

1 Unit Naim NAP150X, Power Amp

1 Unit Naim NAC122X, Pre Amp

1 Unit Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply


1 Pr Neat Momentum 4i, Loud Speaker

1 Naim CD5x, CD Player

1 Naim NAP 250-2, Power Amp

1 Naim NAC 202, Pre Amp

1 Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply

System 2 better but many more $$, any suggestions/comments here welcome!
am new to hi-fi, am still learning and dont have a large budget ...

however, have been reading the forums and google ...

as far as speakers, I would seriously take a closer look at the older Harbeth LS3/5A ... can be bought for £750 on ebay ... ebay item 320409995346

a very good review/test can be found here

the Harbeth came out tops in a 'shoot out' of 11 BBC speakers ... I don't know how these would compare against modern more expensive speakers, but if they are good and to your liking, you might save loads of cash which could be used to buy 'better' other components?

just my 2 cents worth
Have you listened to these systems yet? The Naim system is fine - and one that will hold its value a lot more but unless you like the Naim sound it might not be the best thing to buy. It really is crucial that you spend some time listening.
Look at Leema Acoustics for the amp (and power amp for biamping if you want) and CD player. I have mine partnered with Monitor Audio Platinum speakers.

And playing to the suggestion of the Neat and Naim here are the combinations I have pulled together..


1 Pr Neat Motive 1, L.Speaker , Unit Naim CD5i-2, CD Player ,1 Unit Naim NAP150X, Power Amp ,1 Unit Naim NAC122X, Pre Amp ,1 Unit Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply


1 Pr Neat Momentum 4i, Loud Speaker ,1 Naim CD5x, CD Player ,1 Naim NAP 250-2, Power Amp ,1 Naim NAC 202, Pre Amp ,1 Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply

System 2 better but many more $$, any suggestions/comments here welcome!

Glad to see you're going the Naim route, but as a long-standing Naim user myself I'd recommend spending more on the source. The new CDX-2 just out is absolutely stunning - far better than the others mentioned, and the Supernait is an amazing and flexible amplifier to which you can add power amps or power supplies if necessary. I'd recommend these two plus floorstanding speakers of your choice (my choice would be Dynaudio Focus 220 or PMC).

Once these units have burned in (2 weeks min) they will amaze.

By the way the 250-2 power amp is not best used in the combination you mention - wrong way round (preamp first etc)!!

I simply reccomend you look at the platinum series by Monitor Audio (the PL-300's give me a stiffy) and some hardcore Krell amplification. The PL-300 retail at 5-5.5 grand but I can't find any decent prices on Krell kit...
Mr_Poletski:I simply reccomend you look at the platinum series by Monitor Audio (the PL-300's give me a stiffy) and some hardcore Krell amplification. The PL-300 retail at 5-5.5 grand but I can't find any decent prices on Krell kit...

I like those PL 300 as well. Spectacular.