And playing to the suggestion of the Neat and Naim here are the combinations I have pulled together..
1 Pr Neat Motive 1, L.Speaker , Unit Naim CD5i-2, CD Player ,1 Unit Naim NAP150X, Power Amp ,1 Unit Naim NAC122X, Pre Amp ,1 Unit Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply
1 Pr Neat Momentum 4i, Loud Speaker ,1 Naim CD5x, CD Player ,1 Naim NAP 250-2, Power Amp ,1 Naim NAC 202, Pre Amp ,1 Naim Flatcap-2, Power Supply
System 2 better but many more $$, any suggestions/comments here welcome!
Glad to see you're going the Naim route, but as a long-standing Naim user myself I'd recommend spending more on the source. The new CDX-2 just out is absolutely stunning - far better than the others mentioned, and the Supernait is an amazing and flexible amplifier to which you can add power amps or power supplies if necessary. I'd recommend these two plus floorstanding speakers of your choice (my choice would be Dynaudio Focus 220 or PMC).
Once these units have burned in (2 weeks min) they will amaze.
By the way the 250-2 power amp is not best used in the combination you mention - wrong way round (preamp first etc)!!