Is that true?I went for the Chord Epix X. X stands for ‘expensive’
I'm really not sure if it's a joke or not.
If it is true, it's quite clever marketing on Chord's part.
Is that true?I went for the Chord Epix X. X stands for ‘expensive’
Well they had an X for expensive, Gray, so they must sound good. Not as Xpensive as the Signature XL though, I guess in this case the X = expensive and the L= luxury, or maybe Expensively Laughable 😆Is that true?
I'm really not sure if it's a joke or not.
If it is true, it's quite clever marketing on Chord's part.
Of course they can't. None of these cables work any better than a length of twin and earth cable you'd find in a skip. They might look nicer but they perform no better, and when you see that suppliers are offering a burn-in service, you just know that they're selling snake oil.
Of course they can't. None of these cables work any better than a length of twin and earth cable you'd find in a skip. They might look nicer but they perform no better, and when you see that suppliers are offering a burn-in service, you just know that they're selling snake oil.
When you say "with a good quality speaker cable", do you mean one that isn't made by snake oil salesmen, who don't know how to make speaker cables, or do you just mean decent cable that isn't made by people whose only goal is to rip off gullible fools?Mike. I suggest you listen to some high end hi-fi equipment under two different conditions, one with a good quality speaker cable and then with the cable you say that would be the same i.e. twin and earth. The difference you would hear (assuming there is nothing wrong with your hearing) is staggering. I am sure that you have not done this otherwise you would not be saying the things you have said. Of course cables make a greater difference in better systems than poorer performing ones. It would make no sense to be spending more on cable than all the other separates in the rest of the system put together, all things are relative. I challenge you to go and do a listening test yourself, hear the difference and come back and eat your words but I suspect you won't do that since you seem to be someone who has made up your mind without that and would certainly not admit to being wrong. So since you have no first hand experience of what you are saying your statements are invalid. If you do make the effort to do a listening comparison then let me know what you did or did not hear.
I mean ‘good quality speaker cable’, so any cable that has been specifically designed to connect an amplifier to a pair of speakers that has been made of high quality materials and is constructed in such a way as to keep out unwanted interference from RF and transmits the signal as cleanly and purely as possible without any degradation. Whether the cable is made of copper, silver etc. is not the issue as long as there are as few impurities as possible and that the outer sheath is made to shield the cable from RF and good quality connectors are used at both ends of the cable so as to ensure that the connection is clean and stable. What would you mean by quality speaker cable? Not that it seems you have actually made the effort to familiarise yourself with any. My challenge still stands that you should listen to a system with different cables in it and make the comparison and hear for yourself. This is not ‘snake oil’ or some version of the ‘emperor’s new clothes’, it is a real phenomenon that your ears will detect. Personally I don’t listen to salesmen telling me what they think (snake oil variety or otherwise). I listen to the music with my own ears and judge equipment based on what I actually hear in the music being reproduced. If a cable’s price is the only determining factor in buying it then the person buying it has done so for the wrong reason. A cable costing £1000 a metre may or may not be better than one costing £10 a metre but it should be! The only way to tell is to listen. The thing about all hi-fi (and probably all things generally) is that just because something is the most expensive it doesn’t mean it’s the best, but the best there is tends usually to be expensive. If you think that people are gullible parting with large sums then you may be right if those people are buying products purely based on what they cost and what they believe they should be like but personally I buy what sounds the best to me as long as it falls within my available budget. If you’re happy listening to speakers wired with twin and earth, great! I would not be happy with that at all and you do not know what you are missing out on by not listening to a well-made cable suited to the system it is being used in. If there was no difference in these things then using a car analogy: someone buying a Ferrari could simply fit cheap re-moulded tyres on it instead of expensive Pirelli tyres, after all according to your theory they are both the same, just lumps of rubber that go on the wheels and have air in them. The thing is though that your expensive Ferrari will not perform as it should with re-moulded tyres but it will with Pirellis. Hi-fi cables are very much the same.When you say "with a good quality speaker cable", do you mean one that isn't made by snake oil salesmen, who don't know how to make speaker cables, or do you just mean decent cable that isn't made by people whose only goal is to rip off gullible fools?
Bear in mind, I've owned lots of high end audio gear, and 'invested' in ridiculously priced cables, when I too used to be gullible, so either wind your neck in, or come and prove that you can hear a difference in blind tests.
I've done exactly this, and I've mic'd the speakers and recorded/analysed the results. Admittedly, I haven't done it with cables costing ridiculous sums of money, as the best they'll ever be is as good as 500 strand copper, but I noticed no discernible difference in the speaker cables I did test.Not that it seems you have actually made the effort to familiarise yourself with any. My challenge still stands that you should listen to a system with different cables in it and make the comparison and hear for yourself. This is not ‘snake oil’ or some version of the ‘emperor’s new clothes’, it is a real phenomenon that your ears will detect.
Of course they can't. None of these cables work any better than a length of twin and earth cable you'd find in a skip. They might look nicer but they perform no better, and when you see that suppliers are offering a burn-in service, you just know that they're selling snake oil.
I've done exactly this, and I've mic'd the speakers and recorded/analysed the results. Admittedly, I haven't done it with cables costing ridiculous sums of money, as the best they'll ever be is as good as 500 strand copper, but I noticed no discernible difference in the speaker cables I did test.
Please feel free to do this and report back.It would be better to connect an oscilloscope to the output of the amp and at the cable ends to get accurate results. Using mic is not accurate because its affected by speakers and even the mic itself and the room etc....
Lol - sorry, my sense of humour is a little oblique sometimes.Is that true?
I'm really not sure if it's a joke or not.
If it is true, it's quite clever marketing on Chord's part.
I'm entitled to my opinion, and I'm entitled to express it, and my opinion is that the reason people won't do blind tests is because they're scared of the truth.Mike....
Every Hifi forum has its share of guys like you, obstinately banging on about blind listening tests, measurements, blah blah. For a start these naysayers - 21st century flat-earthers I call them - are just being downright rude in rubbishing the personal experience of thousands of other music lovers. You and your like-minded friends are also antagonistic about it - that in itself tells me something.
Let's get this straight, the experience of listening to music is NOT all about science. It's so difficult to explain to somebody with such a limited grasp of what music really represents, I find it downright depressing.
Please forgive this analogy if it sounds snotty, but I can't think of a better way to express myself without offending you. You have to understand that there are thousands of music lovers who can hear the difference between a great 17th century violin and one that was made in 2010 - in fact it's not that hard at all - but that difference can NOT be measured. OKAY? If you extend that analogy, that ability to distinguish something so subtle, so refined - then start to think about every instrument, every voice that one hears. It's no wonder that many music lovers want to fine tune their systems. Cabling happens to be one of the best ways to do this.
I think to some extent the type of music one listens to is important. I love just about everything to be honest, but some of the most magical music out there really deserves to be heard at its very best, for our ears / brain / heart to really enjoy it, to appreciate it. None of that can be measured.
As for blind listening tests, how do we know that one of the listeners couldn't distinguish between Anna Netrebko and Maria Callas, or between Celine Dion and Sandy Denny? Let's face it, some music sounds appalling on any kind of system, changing the cables wouldn't make a scrap of difference in that case! Maybe that's the bottom line with forums full of people getting so upset about cables and Hifi? I don't want to put this any more bluntly, but maybe I'll try it in a more humorous way.....
All cables are the same! Where are the measurements? I demand blind listening tests! I got my copper cables from an old fridge and they sound great! Where's my Oasis CD?
Your sense of humour?Lol - sorry, my sense of humour is a little oblique sometimes.
As long as the cable meets the technical requirements of its use, they will work fine. There is nothing more to be gained from anything of 'higher' quality.
I don't see why twin and earth wire wouldn't be technically suitable. It will surpass the needs for a speaker cable.
Said without a hint of irony.I feel sorry for you - seriously.
Or there was something seriously wrong with the Chord Odyssey cables. Maybe they're made in China, and only have three strands of copper, surrounded by 1/4" of PVC.Sure, I'm not doubting your night and day improvement. However this 100% comes from placebo effect.