Best dvd recorder


New member
Aug 19, 2007
I was planning on buying a marantz dv7001 but the good lady has decided that she wants to keep some films that we have recorded via our virgin v+ box so iwas wonder whats the best dvd recorder for playback to go with our pani px70 42"? .

I have looked at both sony and panasonic. Whould the panasonic be better match as same brand or would the sony or another make be alot better?

Hi Howard,

If you're after a disc-only player - which having a V+ box suggests you do - the Panasonic DMR-EZ27 (list price £200, available for less) is the best option - with the advantage of you being able to use a single remote control for your TV and DVD recorder.

However, don't expect its DVD playback - and certainly not music replay - to be anywhere near as good as the Marantz DV7001. Some higher-end DVD recorders - Panasonic DMR-EX87 (£380 list) and Sony RDR-HXD970 (£375 list), both of which also offer hard-disk recording - offer better DVD playback, but again, not to the level of the Marantz.

Can't you stick with the Marantz and buy her the films on DVD - they'd look a lot better
[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
Hi Howard,

If you're after a disc-only player - which having a V+ box suggests you do - the Panasonic DMR-EZ27 (list price £200, available for less) is the best option - with the advantage of you being able to use a single remote control for your TV and DVD recorder.

However, don't expect its DVD playback - and certainly not movie replay - to be anywhere near as good as the Marantz DV7001. Some higher-end DVD recorders - Panasonic DMR-EX87 (£380 list) and Sony RDR-HXD970 (£375 list), both of which also offer hard-disk recording - offer better DVD playback, but again, not to the level of the Marantz.

Can't you stick with the Marantz and buy her the films on DVD - they'd look a lot better


Hi clare

Thanks for the advice

After a long talk to the boss i am aloud to go ahead with the marantz! Happy days!

Just off to put my marigolds on as i am doing the housework for about the next 10 years! ....


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