Beresford Dac


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Hi is the caimen worth the extra money compared to the 7520

What do u think? or is it just worth buying the standard 7520 then upgradeing it later on?

Thanks Mark
It is so little extra money (£50) you may as well take a punt.

Failing that, wait until WHF have reviewed the Caiman.

(Some of the Caiman mods will require soldering/electronics skills if you decide to do them yourself.)
Been told the caimen £232 deivered thats £82 more still better value than a dacmagic as it has a top class built in amplifier

Been told the caimen £232 deivered thats £82 more still better value than a dacmagic as it has a top class built in amplifier


Why not check their website?

£199.99 + VAT for the Caiman. (£230 rounding up the odd penny)

£149.99 + VAT for the TC-7520 (£172.50)

£57.50 difference, give or take the odd penny or two.

Shipping will cost the same for both.

Hi is the caimen worth the extra money compared to the 7520. What do u think? or is it just worth buying the standard 7520 then upgradeing it later on?

Go for Caiman. Dac chip replacement with wolfson one is tricky, and it will cost a big part of price difference if you can not do it yourself. Plus opamps about 5-7 pounds. And probably there is more changes then dac chip and opamps. Maybe somebody who have both units can open them and compare?