JohnDuncan:How much are Firestone products (like the Fubar and Spitfire) where you are? I have a Fubar IV which is very good and has the headphone output you want, and I think the Spitfire outgunned the Beresgord and DACMagic in a group test recently. The DACMagic is a wonderful thing, but I know it's very expensive in Europe...
I checked the prices and they are:
Fubar IV 199Euro
Fubar IV+ 350Euro
Spitfire 255Euro
Out of the lot only the Fubar 4+ has the USB input and upsampling to 192kHz like Dacmagic and Caiman have. Would I be able to hear the difference 96/192kHz? Which one of Dacmagic/Caiman has a warmer, more laid back sound? Thanks to CA650A I already have quite prominent treble and thanks to B&W685 I have a huge bass, I don't want the new d/a converter adding to either.