Beresford as pre-amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Anyone tried the beresford dac as a pre-amp , how did it compare ?

Seriously thinking of getting one of these , the 4 inputs over the dacmagic's 2 makes it more useful (to me anyway).

Harman Kardon HK680 integrated ampÿ

Proac 110 speakers

Cambridge Audio 640C player ÿ

The HK680 can be usedÿas integrated or either pre or power.
Then I would say stick with your CD player unless you need to bring a computer into the situation.
I am planning bringing a computer into the situationÿÿAlready have a macbook and airport express hooked into my amp via analogue cable , hoping the Dac will bring a little life into the equation and wondering how it would sound as pre-amp.
If that's the case then a DAC is a worthwhile addition to your system.

In response to your question I had serious issues with using my old Beresford as a pre-amp. The volume control is inconsistent and the response via the variable out is variable.

I don't know how much Stanley has improved on this though I garner his talent has gone into adding the USB input and the improved headphone stage given the price of the new unit.

I'd stick with your CD player and buy a DM which has a pass through function, should you not need it? Sell your CD player.ÿ
Thanks for your thoughts

DM meaning dacmagic ? what's a pass through function ? i can always connect the cd player direct to the amp.

I'd also like to add a DVD and SAT to my set up , the Dacmagic only allows 2 inputs at a time (discounting the USB) , the beresford allows 4 inputs allowing DVD, SAT, AIRPORT and CD.

ÿALthough i wonder if my CA 640Cÿ(version 1) into a beresford might be a downgrade or just a sidestep.
An arduous series of question that I don't mind answering

DM according to the Oxford English Dictionary as of this year means DACmagic aka Cambridge DACmagic.

A pass through function in the way in which I incurred means that you could pass a digital signal through the DM without it interfering. Important if it is interfering or they don't agree. A pass through function, I have to admit is more useful to professionals than consumers.ÿ
Cheers for thatÿ

It seems i dont need to ask which dac you prefer as you recommended the DMÿ

ÿDon't think the pass-thru function would be of any use to meÿso.

Funnily enough I don't recommend the DM. If you don't need USB I would recommend you buy a Beresford 6/4 off ebay for eighty quidish, or less when the full reality of the new one sinks in.
Cheers for thatÿ

It seems i dont need to ask which dac you prefer as you recommended the DMÿ

ÿDon't think the pass-thru function would be of any use to meÿso.


Resistance is futile, Octopo.......
chebby:Octopo:If you don't need USB I would recommend you buy a Beresford 6/4 off ebay for eighty quidish, or less when the full reality of the new one sinks in.Not sure what.. "when the full reality of the new one sinks in" means. (Is this good or bad?)The 'reality' of my new TC-7520 is sounding very good (and even better now after a few days running-in).What is your impression of it?

I have no impression of it other than I'm guessing not that many people know it's out. The market value of a 6/4 could tumble after news of the 7520 is leaked.ÿ
Octopo:The market value of a 6/4 could tumble after news of the 7520 is leaked.

I think they are aimed at slightly different markets and will be sold alongside each other. I don't think (from what I have read of Stanley's comments) the TC-7510 is going to be scrapped anytime soon.


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