Got the benchmark Dac1 yesterday. I've spent about 3 hours with it now doing A/B comparisons with my NAD C545 CDP. Thought I'd share my initial impressions.
The NAD CDP has both optical and coax digital outputs. I opted for the coax since a couple of the reviews I read preferred it (but I suspect benchmark would argue they should be identical). I am using a $20 coax digital cable I purcahsed from benchmark with the DAC1. It's a pretty nice cable, but I will probably try a Chord version later just to see.
My A/B comparisons have been primarily with the following by the band "The Beautiful Girls". This CD is very well produced and has a very clean but unpolished sound to it.
Track 2 "Morning Sun" has a lot of cymbol content and I've never heard cymbols like the bechmark produced before. More detail and crispness than I'm used to.
Track 8 "Mar" is a stripped down acoustic guitar ballad and the benchmark produced a more focused and vivid guitar. Really dynamite presentation. Definate "wow" sound.
I also listened to Norah Jones "Feels Like Home"
Track 1 "Sunrise" has a clip-clop percussion sound in the background. With the benchmark DAC1 this clip clop sound (whatever the heck it is) sounds bloody amazing. Loving it.
Summary: Overall, the benchmark DAC1 sounds extremely crisp and vivid. The NAD C545 is very good also and the difference did not blow me away like many of the customer testimonies. Everything I A/B compared, I preferred the benchmarks precision and vivid presentation. Normally the NAD sounds very detailed and crisp, but when compared to the benchmark DAC1, it sounded, in a subtle way, fuzzy. It's the kind of fuzziness you would never notice without the comparison. The DAC1 is so tight and sharp sounding, yet still smooth. This does not sound harsh at all. In fact, the NAD is definately a tiny bit brighter or just less smooth than the benchmark.
The DAC1 comes with like 10 pages of over the top customer testimonials in the box. LOL. Very smart marketing. I think they are bound to impact your assessment if you read them prior to listening (I read them after my comparison).
So that's my initial impression. Right now, it's a keeper, but I've still got 28 more days to decide for sure...
Your initial impressions sound much like how I'd expect the Differences between a Benchmark DAC and a NAD CD player to sound (Having previously owned a NAD C521BEE CD Player and now a Benchmark DAC1). The more you listen, the more you will appreciate the improvements the DAC1 provides... but these differences IMHO are not usually "night and day" as some overly enthusiastic hobbyists claim...
I actually bought a new NAD C521BEE some years back - frankly I thought it was cacas and flogged it.