Beatles remasters - what do you recon?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2008
Now I've had time to listen to the 2 CDs I got I'm very impressed.

It was 46 years ago that I purchased my 1st Beatles LP - and it was great to listen to it remastered. I had given up listening to the '87 CD years ago 'cos it was so poor. Now I'm back when I was 13 - it's so good.

But a pal of mine thinks the new CDs are too clean - and is happier with how they were.

So what do you think?
Picked up Revolver, enjoyed it and although limiting's been applied (i.e., it's been boosted to sound louder), it's not excessive and the dynamics are all there. I won't be ditching my existing White Album (a Canadian 2CD set) or my Sgt Pepper's, but, if the price ever comes down, I might get the mono boxset.
Personally I am very happy with the new CD's. You would have to evaluate each one independently as I do fine some seem to benefit more from the re-mastering than others. Overall - I think they are great.