Bass...the final frontier!

Always cut the red wire!

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2009
Sorry about the subject title but it was too tempting!

At present my Sub has little spikes coming out of it, i have stuck on some 3M semi-circular spongey things to protect my Parquet floor. Couple of quick questions:

Would i get more 'ground-shaking' bass if i removed the protective spongey things? (I did from my old Sub)

What difference would it make if i bought some granite plinths to place the Sub onto with the spikes only?

Thanks in advance!

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
The main thing is that the sub needs to be as stable as possible. If the 'spongey things' allow the sub to wobble, even in the slightest, will affect performance.

Adding a granite plinth will help stabilise the subwoofer, which generally tends to tighten up bass, mainly when used on suspended floors. You could also add a granite plinth to the top of the sub, which increases the weight of the subwoofer in relation to the floor, which helps remove any movement in the sub's cabinet caused by excessive movement of the oversized bass driver. This too, helps to tighten up the bass, and providing a more stable platform on which the bass driver can perform more accurately.

If you do get a plinthh to try out, try it out on top as well as underneath and see which you think makes the most difference....


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