base for subwoofer and speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, torn between overpriced 'subdude' subwoofer base and a diy job of ; double carpet-concrete slab-carpet-subwoofer. to reduce bass to neighbr below & make bass more controlled. a few forums have mentiond diy base and saying a sub base will make big diff.

any thoughts on making/using a subwoofer base or the overpriced Aulalex subdude.(i did chk old postings.) just got MA ASW-12 sub

also, if base for sub is good idea why not use base for speakers, been advsd carpet-granite-carpet-speaker-with spikes, or at least carpet then speaker-useing spikes. i currently have spikes on shoes.i was told carpet under speakers when have wooden fllor was good idea

I unfortuently have wooden floors. and on that, is there a high end speaker that sounds great even with wooden floors-just curious about that for when i win the lottery-I know the wife will insist on wooden floors.

cheers pedro
I wouldn't use bases like the Auralex ones for speakers. The speaker should sit as solid as possible, and the Auralex bases aren't solid. I would stick to granite and marble bases for speakers. I use an Auralex Gramma on my sub with it being a suspended floor, and it works extremely well. I'be also heard it make quite a difference even on concrete floors!

It depends on your classification of 'high end', but speakers that work well on a suspended floor would be those of a leaner nature, ad not ones who's reflex ports fire downwards - so no Dynaudios, no Neats, no B&W's, no Monitor Audios for starters! KEF Reference will work well, as will Wilson Benesch, and ATC.
thanks very much for the advise, i will be getting some granite for putting the speakers on--thank goodness for off cuts. just wondered how far behind a diy job base would be behind the auralex subdude.

thanks again


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