Balanced cable suggestions


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All, I'm considering the Marantz 8003 per/power combo's as a replacment for my Denon AVR4306. The thing is, I'm just wondering what the likely cost / brand / type of blanced cables I should be looking at for connecting them - given theirs 8 channels. Any suggestions?


You know this is going to hurt, and you know what Dantan is going to suggest, but I'll agree - Chord Anthems.

But 8 of them is some $ ! Could cut it down, say Chameleon, though you should check on Chord's website which cables areÿrecommendedÿand available in XLR fittings....


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
You know this is going to hurt, and you know what Dantan is going to suggest, but I'll agree - Chord Anthems.

But 8 of them is some $ ! Could cut it down, say Chameleon, though you should check on Chord's website which cables areÿrecommendedÿand available in XLR fittings....

I'm using the Chorus 2 and they are great but I reckon the Chameleon Silver Plus would be great too. One definite plus with the CSP over Chorus and Anthem is that they are supple/flexible. The Anthem and Chorus are very stiff and when you are needing 8 of them, unless you can keep them fairly straight, it could be a nightmare.


I am using a Van Damme balanced cable between AMP and DAC from Ebay. £16. Sounds superb. I have A/B'd it against far more expensive RCA stereo leads and it wins every time. I also A/B's against a QED (£70) balanced lead and found I could not consistantly tell them apart.



You know this is going to hurt, and you know what Dantan is going to suggest, but I'll agree - Chord Anthems.

But 8 of them is some $ ! Could cut it down, say Chameleon, though you should check on Chord's website which cables areÿrecommendedÿand available in XLR fittings....

I'm using the Chorus 2 and they are great but I reckon the Chameleon Silver Plus would be great too. One definite plus with the CSP over Chorus and Anthem is that they are supple/flexible. The Anthem and Chorus are very stiff and when you are needing 8 of them, unless you can keep them fairly straight, it could be a nightmare.
The 'Cable Doctor' suggested the Anthems or Chameleon Silver Plus too - seems Gerrardasnails is right on the money.


I've not heard them as an XLR cable but I do know that they are available, try to get a listen of Van Den Hul Orchids. I have them on my hifi system and chose them over Chord Signature after a direct comparison, as I could not hear any difference. The Orchids were much cheaper and much easier to use. Orchids are very thin and highly flexible, plus they hold their value as well as Chord cables do. I am not really sure but I believe they should be cheaper than Anthems, but they will be more expensive than Chameleon. (I replaced Chameleons with Orchids and it was a significant all round improvement) Having said that, I have got to say that even high end AV kit doesn't sound as good as a good hifi so the cheaper Chameleon cable might give the best sound per pound compromise, especially since you are going to have to buy so many of them. I still use my Chameleons on my digital radio and I can't see any point in upgrading the cable here as the potential improvement in sound quality would not warrant it. The old maxim, try before you buy!


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