b&w mt-30 or b&w 685 theatre


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have AE evo 5.1 set up which are getting a bit tired, and the mrs is not so keen on the large boxes!!!!!(damm her), my room size is approx 6m x 3.8m, think she would like the mt 30's. But would they fill the room????(i like it loud!!) about to get new receiver too, possibly onkyo 608?? Set up mainly for movies but do love my music. any help is kindly appreciated
If your 'allowed' them I would opt for the 685's. I wasn't - so ended up with Monitor Audio Radius HD set up. The 270HD's upfront do a fine job with music and I do not regret not having the bigger boxes.
Agree with the others here, however, you should know that the MT30s are exceptional performers. For those, like myself, who have neither the space or inclination for a full size package, they do not disappoint.

Oh... Volume is not a problem for the MT30s. At least not with my Onkyo 875 it's not.
Can you not push for 685 fronts and M1 rears? Best of both worlds.

If I were you I'd push for the 685 package with your wife, then when she complains act all put out and suggest you could maybe go with M1's rears. Asking for too much then compromising down to what you actually wanted in the first place is never a bad tactic.


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