B&W ceiling speakers need an all-in-one radio/CD player player


New member
Aug 10, 2019

A kitchen renovation prompted a whim purchase of a pair of B&W CCM616 ceiling speakers[/b], which sound great (except for a slight low frequency rattle in the celing). Now I need an FM radio/ amp/all-in-one compact system, to power them. Any suggestions that would go with these speakers? Main use FM radio but playing other formats useful (Cds/iPods). Budget is a consideration, though could be stretched if I’m convinced.

What I have looked at :

1. Yamaha MCR-040[/b] (300€) – which the hi-fi shop assures me is fine & perefectly adequate. Comes with its own baby speakers which would be redundant.

2. Marantz M-CR 502[/b] (450€) no speakers – a bit expensive when mainly for radio listening but perhaps more compatible with B&W speakers?

Other considerations or other people’s suggestions :

i) Arcam Solo Mini (1000€ - Woho! WAY over budget)

ii) Denon D-M37DAB – don’t know this..? but there is no DAB yet in France.

ii) Possible internet radio + FM all-in-one system but wi-fi is weak in the kitchen.

iii) NaimUniti, for an ideal world where money is no problem. Go wish..

Suggestions welcome, especially from listeners who know this stuff...

Are you in a rush? Waiting a few months might give you exactly what you want. Unfortunately I don't think I can say anything just yet, but if you do have DAB (if you dot have it yet, you're unlikely to), there may be a product on the way that you'd be interested in which has an internet radio rather than a DAB radio (can't remember if it has both)....


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