b&w 684 in my small room


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Aug 10, 2019
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First of all, sorry for my English, i hope you understand me because I from México…[/size=3>Hello![/face=Calibri>Hello!

First of all, sorry for my English, i hope you understand me because I from México…[/size=3>Hello![/face=Calibri>Hello!


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Aug 9, 2007
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Based on your room size, the 684 should work fine, especially when you don't mention any boomy bass problem. How did the Infinity speakers sound in your room? - If the 684 is better than the Infinity, then you should not regret your purchase.

However, it is true that a room with better acoustics can make an identical system sound much better. Since you cannot transport your friend's living room to your house, then you will just have to experiment with some room treatment as well as speaker positioning in your room.

A few other things to consider:
- Have the 684 been run in properly? They can sound a bit bright when not fully run-in.
- What cables are you using? If the brightness is bothering you, try to go for some warmer sounding cables, which usually tends to be ones without silver in the conductors.
- While your room length and width is not that small, your ceiling is a little low so I think a rug on the floor will help.
- Do not toe-in the speakers too directly at the listening position as that will also make the sound more bright.


thanks for youy help, it really help's me. i move the speakers for reduce the toe-in and it worked, but the sound still shining so I"ll buy a carpet


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Aug 9, 2007
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If your Arcam amp has a Pure Direct mode (or something equivalent to that), do use that. If not, check that you have not accidentally increased the treble setting.

What player are you using to play the CDs?


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Sep 10, 2008
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Hello, I have the 685 with an Arcam AVR 280 and it sounds OK but, not the greatest. Did you use the infinity also with the Arcam before you bought the 684? This is how I have set up my 685 for music:

Treble: 6

Bass: - 1

Effect: Stereo Music

Crossover frequency: 80Hz

In my case the 685 are not bright at all, indeed they sound a bit dark with some types of music which is the reason why I am not very happy. You need also to take into account that the speakers need to break through for some time which may improve the brightness problem. Maybe if you run your 684 for a while, the sound improves.



Sorry rendo but if he has a brightness problem increasing the treble will just make things worse, I would use the Pure Mode and experiment with room acoustics, fabrics carpets and cushions should reduce a bit of brightness.


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Sep 10, 2008
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Yes, I agree on that, I was only refering to 685 which are probably very different from 684 but, just wanted to put on perspective so he can see that with 685 using the same amp the problem is exactly the opposite.

Regarding Pure Mode, that option will bypass all preprocesing circuits and equalizations like if you did not have a preamp and only used the power amp sections. I would only recomend that option if the source for music is really high-end. Otherwise, in most cases the pre-amp options of the receiver including bass and treble will improve the final perception of audio quality and allow to adjust to match with the other components.

This is my opinion based on experience with several amp and speaker combinations, of course everybodyïs ears are different.