relocated said:
I have no cohorts: unlike some, I am not part of a quasi-religious lobbying group.
relocated said:
= 'disagree with me'
relocated said:
and people are obviously fed up to the back teeth with it.
Whereas they love the continual spamming promotion of an insignificant little company.
relocated said:
The trouble for you all, is that the AVI system just works.
But only just, and IYNSHO, of course.
relocated said:
It produces a disproportionately excellent sound for the money
I'd agree it produces a disproportionate amount of sound and fury, but fear that signifies nothing.
relocated said:
more and more people on here have found out the truth
The truth? That's a bit religious, isn't it?
relocated said:
If I were a company spending good money to advertise here
And if you were a company not spending any money but still advertising here?