AVI speakers

Diamond Joe

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008
Quick question: Do AVI sell their speakers in any stores or are they only available online?

Very interested to hear them and a bit disappointed they aren't bringing their wares to the Bristol show this year. [:^)]
One or two dealers, but mostly direct via their website. Distance Selling Regulation apply however, so you have seven days to return them if they don't appeal and assuming you treat the speakers with care (return all packaging, no damage, etc.).

EDIT: Most people, going by the chat I've read however, don't - I think only one or two have moved them on as they didn't suit their tastes, but the majority appear to be pretty delighted with their acquisitions.
Joe I live near Bedford and am always happy to demo to anyone who can get here. There are other owners who may do the same. I anyone wants to send me an email to arrange such I'm happy for Andrew or any other mod to pass on my email address.
I'm also on there forum same user name. Mods delete i this is not allowed.
I'm also on there forum same user name. Mods delete i this is not allowed.

No problem at all: wasn't aware AVI had a forum...
Ooops - forgot I started this. Thanks for the replies guys, I am such a dimwit, I looked at the AVI website and completely forgot to check if they had any dealers, durrrrrr!

Thanks for the demo offer Nick, I think if I was seriously interested in buying a pair I would definitely take you up on it (I only live a few miles up the A6 from Bedford), but as it is I only have a casual interest (at the moment) and I really don't want to impose on anyone, but many thanks again.


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