Alberich said:
ID. said:
shadders said:
Alberich said:
luckylion100 said:
of hearing the DM5's. I took a punt with the DM10's after much deliberation (see my thread elsewhere, sadly it descended into the normal pro/anti AVI nonsense).
But if the DM5's are anything like their big brothers I think they would pleasantly surprise most of the knockers on here, even though they'd probably not want to admit it.
Just to be clear, I'm not joining any gang, I'm very much my own man. But the fact remains the DM10's (in my case) are a revelation, easily out doing my previous set up. I do not regret letting my PMC Twenty 23's go and they were speakers I envisaged keeping for the duration of their 20 year guarantee. The anti AVI/Ashley sentiments expressed on this forum are nothing to do with me, they're from before my time and I'm playing catch up. My praise of these speakers is foremost based on the sound quality and improvement I've experienced. The VFM, the convenience and absence of dust gathering black boxes a further bonus. I clearly stated my reasons for going active and active doesn't just mean AVI, I could have easily gone to another brand. But I'm happy with my choice and sometimes I question the doubters, those intent in continually slagging anyone off that dares to suggest they're happy with an active based system. Why, jealously?
For me it's about enjoying the music and I've never enjoyed it as much. Seemingly this is now something of a meaningless statement for many on here, maybe those people need to reconnect...
It's a conflict intentionally created by AVI to stir things up and generate a consistent stream of free advertising and scrutiny of their products. Mostly aimed at general forum lurkers.
It leaves critics of the brand inbetween a rock and hard place because naturally they will counter argue some of the ludicrous statements being made by AVI, in doing so falling into their trap and fueling further endless discussion / debate about AVI speakers.
Cynical but genius.
To add to this, and as stated by others, one claim on their website is that the bass/mid range has a 250W amplifier. The industry standard is to quote RMS continuous power into an 8ohm load. If you examine an amplifier that is rated at 250W RMS continuous power, they will have multiple output transistor pairs and significant heat sinking capability. The AVI does not have this, and the 250W is a false claim. The 250W is most probably 10 cycles of a 1 kHz sinewave signal only, certainly not continuous. When challenged, some AVI owners are extremely defensive. Rather than the AVI owners accepting this, that they have been duped, they argue in defense of AVI to backup an AVI false claim.
Hence this is why they are annoying to others on the forum.
They're not the only ones that are annoying
As an impartial observer on the AVI conflict the individuals I find most curious are not the owners of their speakers but the AVI critics whose zealous criticism has reached levels of obsession. Most of the praise coming from the owners of the speakers stems from genuine positive experience that they feel the urge to communicate, naturally.
As for the ludicrous and dishonest claims from AVI themselves, why not just see it for what it is - marketing BS - and have the confidence that consumers see it for what it is. Why continuously fan the flames and in doing so help sustain the attention on AVI. As we all know there's no such thing as bad publicity.
If you download the user instructions, the document specifies the system capabilities, in the section Specifications. As such, this is not marketing, it is the stated technical capability. Therefore, their specification does not meet the industry standard (which is continuous power into an 8ohm resistive load), which then means their specifications are false. Had they stated that this is peak power into a 4ohm load for a burst of 10ms sine wave, this would have been acceptable.
The problem arises where AVI owners claim that passive speakers are inferior, based on the FALSE specifications by AVI which said AVI owners use to back up their claims. This is only one example.
Where statements are made which allude to be scientific fact, then this MUST be challenged. Else people visitng this forum will be duped.
If one hears the speakers and they are to your preference, then this is a subjective experience, which the AVI owners are more than rightly allowed to state, but NOT when it is based on the false claims to back up what they are hearing.