AV receiver. Buy new or buy a 2009 model for the same price? Shortlist inside...


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi all,

Apolgies if anyone read this already on another site, struggling for help a little.

I am in the market for an AV receiver in the region of £400-£500. I have a shortlist here, all are £400 or less:

Yamaha RXV667
Onkyo TX-SR608
Pioneer VSX-920
Denon AVR-2310

The astute amongst you will notice the Denon is an old model but I am wondering if I will get a better sound (and as good as, if not better picture) from an older, reduced price model than the new 2010 ones? I do not have a 3Dtv currently so it seems like it might be a good bet.

There seems to be so many glowing comments on the Denon here that it seemed only right to check it out but as it is old there is nowhere to actually give it a listen and really compare it so I am in need of some assistance.

I have a slightly odd setup at home. Acoustic energy Evo1's as fronts, an AE V2 Centre, a BK Gemini2 sub and likely some smaller QA 2010 rears (although I haven't bought the rears yet). The room is about 4mx4m.

I could upgrade the speakers if necessary although I can't afford to right now. Which is why I have only bought the centre and sub so far, hoping for a decent tonal match across the front, we'll see! I have had the Evo 1's for years, happily paired with my NAD C320 BEE 🙂

Hope someone can help nudge me to make a good purchase 🙂

If you dont need all the features of the new AVRs then I would agree that the 2310 is the way to go.

But try to audition as many of these as possible, with your speakers if at all possible and see which you like.
I would love to do that but I haven't been able to find any local shops who will let me take one home without a fee so I might have to man up and do it blind, which I appreciate is quite stupid (I had great fun and learned a lot demoing my current setup), although I could return the Denon if I was unhappy I think...

I don't think I do need the new features, no. I can't see a lot of difference to be honest, just mainly the 3D stuff I would miss but I will never notice 🙂
I deal with my local Audio-t and generally if I pay a small deposit, after agreeing a price on allthe options, they let me take one home at a time to see if I like it.

It may be worth asking, but if not possible try to go in the shop and have a listen to the different AVRs on some similar speakers, failing that I really don't think you can go wrong with the 2310.
markjaspi:...failing that I really don't think you can go wrong with the 2310.
I'd agree... if you don't need the 3D capability, the 2310 is a brilliant AVR, especially for around £400. I happily paid £650 for one at the end of 2009, and if I hadn't chanced upon a brand new Denon 4310 last month for £800 (again, last years model selling then for £1900), I'd have happily lived with my 2310 for another year or two.
Cheers for the advice, I got offered a 2310 for £375, B grade but mint and 12 month warranty so took the plunge 🙂

Just need some rear speakers now....

EDIT: anyone got any ideas or should I start a new topic?

I was thinking of the QA 2010's to start with (Can't go wrong at £100 a pair surely?). They need to be pretty small to stop my wife freaking out.



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