AV amp/reciever up to £500


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm not sure which way to go the Onkyo 608 or the Denon 1911, or something else. Not got a 3d TV, and wouldn't want it for normal TV viewing, only movies on Sky perhaps. Do have blue ray and a B&W surround set up as well as PS3.

Am I looking at the main 2 contenders or is there something else I should look at?
I'm not sure which way to go the Onkyo 608 or the Denon 1911, or something else. Not got a 3d TV, and wouldn't want it for normal TV viewing, only movies on Sky perhaps. Do have blue ray and a B&W surround set up as well as PS3.

Am I looking at the main 2 contenders or is there something else I should look at?

Hi Pulpdiction

You should also consider Yamaha's superb RX-V667.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Thanks for the replies, I'd not looked at the yammy, but have had one in the past and liked it, really wish they still had the orange displays though, made them stand out from the crowd.
Not sure if its a problem or not, who knows what the future brings, but on the basis that I don't plan to upgrade for another 5 years or so then it could become an issue. What about the Yamaha 767 if I upped the budget slightly? Does that change things?
I recenly bought a Denon AVR 1911 and am finding it very good. Great detailed cinematic sound, greqat bass agility and control, and good with music so far, though I'm only just gettng my NAS back on its feet so I'll have more on that later. Someone on here said they couldn't split the 1911 and 2310 in terms of sound quality so if you're keeping for a while and considering 3D might be worth a go.

Didn't hear the Yamaha 667 in demoing, but heard other Yamahas. It's not a sound I liked, but it might be the one for you. It was very natural but a bit too laid back and not enough impact in the bass for me.

Similalry haven't heard the Onkyo. Previosuly found them unsubtle, but they've apparently changed in that reagrd. Comments in reviews about background hiss and it having a fan put me off.
The £399 for the 1911 that was, and maybe still is, on at Sevenoaks sealed it for me.

Marantz NR1601 I reckon is worth a listen as well..


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