AV Amp for B&W MT-30


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have just purchased a B&W MT-30 and am now looking for an AV Amp that would fit the B&W MT-30.

I was looking at either the Denon 3808 or the Onkyo 875 or Onkyo 606. While the Onkyo models seem to be highly rated, I just don't like their design as compared to the Denon.

Would something like the Denon 3808 suit the B&W MT-30 or is it a bit of an overkill?

Thanks for the advice!

Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
I too have the MT-30s. I have the Onk 875 aswell. They work really well together IMO. I have no issues with either of them. Performance and style are exceptional. I seem to be in a minority of 1 in thinking the Onkyo amp isn't as plug-ugly as everyone seems to be making out. (Mine is silver and I think it looks great. Not pretty, but purposeful, I prefer the higher end models with the drop down flap to the lower spec ones.)

You could save yourself a few pennies and go for an Onkyo further down the range, but if you've earmarked £1000 for a receiver I don't think you'll be disappointed.


I hmmmd and aaaahhhhd for too long about this, as I have the MT30 arriving today. I was torn between the 606/875. I wanted the 875 as I could afford it and it was better. I bought the 606 in the end. Why? I had to be honest about what I would use the amp for and what my lifestyle choices restricted me to (room size, volume, cabinet space and ventilation).
I demo'ed them both and reluctantly decided that 2.5 times as much money as the 606 wasn't going to be good value for my use.
I'd say get any, as they will all do a job. I now have £550 to spend on a new dishwasher instead! A true story of resisting upgraditis!


New member
Nov 18, 2006
I have the MT-30 aswell and had shortlisted the Yamaha, the 875 and the Pioneer VXS -LX70. I auditioned all 3 and in the end went for the Pioneer. I'm well satisfied with the Pioneer. MI3 is just awesome throught the MT-30


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