Auditioned a audiolab 8200cd today against my marantz 6003. My marantz was for more punchy any dynamic. I then tribe can arcam cd17, which was nicer, but not that much better. The cd6005 sounded just the same as my cd6003. So didn't bother and just kept my 6003!!!
rest of the kit was an arcam a19 and kef r100s, same as my home kit.
the moral is..... Don't rely on reviews, go and audition.
i am going to try a irdac on home demo as I think my denon streamer is lacking, it is not as good as my cdp. Will keep you posted.
rest of the kit was an arcam a19 and kef r100s, same as my home kit.
the moral is..... Don't rely on reviews, go and audition.
i am going to try a irdac on home demo as I think my denon streamer is lacking, it is not as good as my cdp. Will keep you posted.