Audition, audition, audition........ Then after that, audition again! Audiolab 8200cd disappointing!

David Parkes

Well-known member
Jan 29, 2012
Auditioned a audiolab 8200cd today against my marantz 6003. My marantz was for more punchy any dynamic. I then tribe can arcam cd17, which was nicer, but not that much better. The cd6005 sounded just the same as my cd6003. So didn't bother and just kept my 6003!!!

rest of the kit was an arcam a19 and kef r100s, same as my home kit.

the moral is..... Don't rely on reviews, go and audition.

i am going to try a irdac on home demo as I think my denon streamer is lacking, it is not as good as my cdp. Will keep you posted.
Please, do. My system is very similar to yours, with the irDac—although I also have a Creek Evolution 2 at home to see how it goes.

Did you audition other amplifiers with the R100, or only the A19?
The rule in my book is, if it doesn't improve your musical experience then it isn't worth the extra money. The star ratings and price pale into complete insignificance if you can't hear a big enough improvement to justify the spend.
By and large modern mainstream players all have very comparible capabilities, slight differences in voicing and that is about it. New models from the likes of Marantz and the rest are rarely an improvement, in this market the 'refreshed' models are just a marketing opportunity.

Top players do sound different, but then are usually in an altogether different price range, players that sound 'different' at this level are pretty rare, you can try Rega or Exposure, after that I am pretty stumped.

Off course it helps if you are able to 'get past' the usual sound quality issues and listen to the music, but It seems that some people don't seem to get that and are forever stuck at the bright/dark or more bass/less bass level.
I did, got them around 6 months ago. Simple approach really. I had a pm6004 and ms1-xr spreaders. Tried the r100s with the pm6004, which confirmed my ms speakers were poor! Then tried a roksan kandy, to see if there was an improvement, hated it, the marantz was far more dynamic and detailed, then I tried the a19....... Wow!! It was like they were made for each open, detailed, dynamic and really spacious sound. Hearing stuff in music I have never before in 25 years of hifi!
Thanks, that's really enlightening, and I completely agree. I do hear a difference between my denon 720 streamer and my cdp, hence the trial of the irdac. Will let you know how I get on.