matthewpiano:Clare Newsome:
Matt - whatever happened to your joy at finding great sounds at the Manchester Show?
Was dismayed after that (largely) positive ears-on experience when you found yourself (yet again) buying untested kit second-hand
There is so much excellent affordable kit around right now - please, please, go for an extended demo with your favourite discs.
Thanks Clare. I think that is very good advice indeed. Given the following taste in music what particular combinations would you recommend? I think the ears-on experience with the Marantz kit needs repeating but if you were me, what shortlist would you audition? Classical (including large scale orchestral works and opera) Acoustic/Folk/Country Classic/Progressive/Blues Rock Jazz Easy listening Thanks again.
Matthew, this maybe a staringly obvious and stupid question....BUT, don't Sony make decent amps anymore? surely, if they do you may get a healthy staff discount?
Regarding the new Marantz you were taken with at Manchester Show. Well back in the May edition (I think
) in the 'Sound Advice' section near the back of the mag, someone asked for advice on improving the their rather old system. They had a A65+ and one of the review guys commented in the 'solution' that the A65, "is more than a match for the new budget amps...." Anyway, my point is, if you like the Marantz stuff, maybe you should seriously think about Arcam, and given their solidity of sound, may just be the missing link you are looking for. Just an idea.....