Arcam FMJ A19 standby issues


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2014
Hi there
My A19 ramains randomly blocked in standby mode.
It can be brought to life by only pressing the power button off and on again.
After entering again in standby mode it then responds to the remote controller or volume button to switch on.
Is there anyone encountering same problems, or having an idea what could it be?
When it appears to be locked in standby mode are you only trying to switch it on using the remote initially or does it also remain locked even turning the volume dial? Could be the remote battery on the way out or the power button on the remote acting up.
Hi Tani,

I bought a FMJ A19 in January this year. I used the standby function each night then one day after about two weeks it refused to wake from the standby state. I switched it off/on and all was well for a week or so then the same problem occurred then again after another week or so. I didn't consider it a big deal but I mentioned it to my dealer and he suggested I return it to him. Within a week I had a new replacement amp and was told it was a known software issue with a very small number of these amps (a figure of about 20 worldwide was mentioned) and that I could consider myself very unlucky. The new amp has been faultless ever since.

Oh, and it sounds great between a Project Debut Carbon TT and a pair of Focal 714Vs 🙂

Hope this helps.
Hi ChrisIRL, when it is blocked it doesn't react neither to the remote (original or universal with new batteries), nor to the volume knob.

Hi Soup D, thanks man for sharing. My dealer asked Arcam what to do and Arcam sent him a mail to increase I don't know what delay by pressing aux + bal or so. Anyhow I didn't believe it will solve it. And it didn't. After 2 weeks it happened again. I will push for replacement. It's been 4 months now since it's blocking and becomes very uncomfortable and anoying.

I will keep you posted what will happen.


Hi guys,

My dealer called me and told me they will be replacing something inside the amp. I am thinking it is most probable the control module that has a software inside. They didn't mention the replacement of the whole unit.

I will keep you updated on the results.


Hi guys,

My dealer called me and told me they will be replacing something inside the amp. I am thinking it is most probable the control module that has a software inside. They didn't mention the replacement of the whole unit.

I will keep you updated on the reults.


I have a new A19 and I've just noticed this problem. I'm really disappointed, this is an expensive amp. I'll call my dealer and see what they suggest. Come on Arcam!
I have an A19, so I'm a little worried about this issue. I didn't came across it though because I always turn the power off and never leave the amp in stand-by mode. Do you think you benefit from leaving it in stand-by mode regarding sound-quality or it's just for convenience?
Mine goes into standby every now and then—I changed the sleep timeout from 8 to 12 hours—and I've never had this issue. It's always worked great and I haven't had any issues with it.
I was told the same thing by Arcam in the end, I was "one of the unlucky few". They swapped it for a new one so hopefully they've rectified any potential bugs... I'll report back if not!
I bought my A19 in hifi store in Poland. Worked fine for couple days and than the standby problem appeared. I started to look for clues in google and found this topic. I sent amp to service point and they sent it to UK for reprogramming. Amp arrived month later and worked fine for a week before the problem appeared again !

This time the service point replaced the amp. The new one worked nice for couple days and got stuck in standby as the old one. This is crazy. I do not believe it is only 20 units worldwide with this problem.

I cannot turn it on neither by remote nor by volume knob. The only solution is to reset it with power button.

Here is my movie which shows the issue:

Sound is excellent but this standby problem is annoying.
Do you have any compact fluorescent lamps in the same room. These can affect remote controls adversely when their light falls upon the infra red sensor on the unit
I do not.

I have recently discovered when it happens.

First I thought if not used for couple days.

But then I noticed it does not work after I use AppleTV remote.

It interfers with sleeping A19 somehow. Don't know how that's possible but it is a fact.

Did any of You guys with this problem have AppleTV too ?
I had mine swapped for a brand new replacement in the end and the problem has recently recurred after seemingly working ok for a couple of months. I'm now investigating the problem directly as it's real shame.
I too, have the same issue. So today, I change "system code select menu" from 16 to 12. I going to see how this works. As I herd, that the philips, remote, can lock the a19 down. Also, I have sent a email to superfi.
Another unhappy A19 owner, this time from Romania. This is the second faulty unit with the same annoying stand by issue. The Arcam guy from their customer service said I'm very unlucky; I rather think they have unsolved issues regarding engineering design, even after 3 years from the launching date.
I really like the sound, but it drive me crazy with this malfunction. Here is a video record



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