Arcam BlueRay player??

Dean Morris

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
I understand that arcam are bringing out a blue ray player with built in DAC using the same components as the high end CD player like CD37?? Does anyone know any other details?? Personally this could change the route i was going to go down. I could wait till the release of the this instead of buying the rDAC, then i would be upgrading my DVD and CD player to something similar as a CD37 and DV139 and going into Blue Ray too? All in on neat package! My only concern would be.. how long will Blue Ray last?
There's a little more - including its £1000 price - in our news update here. I've seen it on a current Arcam price list, so it should be in shops imminently.

An Arcam FMJ-BDP100 review will follow as soon as we get one - which is promised soon (but too late for Awards judging, sadly).

The machine will also be 3D upgradeable if customers require.

And don't fret about Blu-ray - studios have too much invested in it (and DVD) for the formats to fizzle out anytime soon.
Clare Newsome:

The machine will also be 3D upgradeable if customers require.

Beware Arcam's promises on future upgrades.

I got a Xeta One based on the fact that it was modular and could be upgraded with future techology.

It couldn't.............

Sorry. Bad experience.
Right, this machine has finally launched, albeit in limited numbers. Any user reviews would be most welcome along with any What Hi Fi findings

Merged by mods
Thanks Andrew. Have you had chance to see it in action at any of the recent live events? Just curious to know what kit Arcam deem suitable to show case it with. BTW any reason this thread is in the HI FI section? Oh and can the mods delete the question marks in the title? There definetly is an Arcam Blu Ray player.
No, I didn't see it at the recent Manchester Show - last time I saw was in a very unfinished version at the High End Show back in May, when it was being used with Arcam amplication and high-end KEF speakers.

The thread's in the hi-fi section because that's where the OP posted the original question, and there's no reason to change the headline, as the thread has developed into a discussion about the player, rather than about its availability.
Andrew Everard:
The thread's in the hi-fi section because that's where the OP posted the original question, and there's no reason to change the headline, as the thread has developed into a discussion about the player, rather than about its availability.

One would assume however, so as to attract more discussion on the subject, it would be sensible for a mod to move to an area more appropriate such as Home Cinema, where blu ray spinners are discussed frequently.
Andrew Everard:
No, I didn't see it at the recent Manchester Show - last time I saw was in a very unfinished version at the High End Show back in May, when it was being used with Arcam amplication and high-end KEF speakers.

The thread's in the hi-fi section because that's where the OP posted the original question, and there's no reason to change the headline, as the thread has developed into a discussion about the player, rather than about its availability.

Hi Andrew,

For the record, we were demonstrating a production BDP100 at Manchester, feeding an AVR500 and Muso/Logo speaker system and a Panasonic panel.
