ive got an arcam a70 amp and im now going to order some new speaker cable but not sure if the amp accepts 4mm banana plugs or not? im not currently using any plugs just bare wire. thanks
dsco01:do plugs make any difference to sound? if i need plugs i can afford chord odyssey if i use bare i can stretch to chord epic
When we had the "Reader Rescue", I asked WHFI's Joe Cox the same question. From memory, I think he said it made no difference in sound (or something along those lines).
thanks plastic penguin. now chord odysey or double the money for chord epic? im using a arcam cd73t cd player with my a70 amp and mordaunt short ms906 speakers. or i could use chord odyssey biwire? help
The plugs wont make any difference at all. Some say they are more convenient but I dont think so. I was once told that they also stop the cable ends oxidising and degrading the sound. This would take months and you can just snip the ends every six months or so if it made a difference to the sound. Ive never had a problem with this and always use bare wires.
Id get the cheaper cable and put the rest towards some new music/films!
Agreed - also I wouldn't go over the top on cables on something like an A70. It's a decent amp, but like my A65+ doesn't warrant huge investment on leads.