Apple Music is a Steaming Pile of


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Actually really liked it when it came out. Ran pretty smoothly, etc. so of course they had to send out an update that renders it completely unusable on my phone unless I want to restart my phone every 10 minutes

The more I look into it it looks like the whole endeavor has been pretty bug riddled. It's a shame, because at first my only issues were with a slightly poor user interface.

not keen to pay for that level of quality. Might come back once it has matured. Maybe it's time to set up a proxy putting me in the U.S. So that I can get Tidal or Spotify.


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I actually like and get great use out of many Apple products, so I'm not anti Apple on principle, but Apple Music is feeling half baked. Hopefully it's not like maps where they ended up with an ok product, but far too late.


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ID. said:
Maybe it's time to set up a proxy putting me in the U.S. So that I can get Tidal or Spotify.

I don't know about Tidal, but why a U.S. proxy for Spotifiy? It works absolutely fine without using a proxy here in the UK.

Where are you?


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ID. said: of course they had to send out an update that renders it completely unusable on my phone unless I want to restart my phone every 10 minutes

I have ripped 7 new CDs to iTunes this week (hosted on my updated Mac Mini) and played the synced files from Apple Music / AirPlay on both iPhone 6 and iPad Mini (all post-upgrades too) for many, many hours.

I have also been streaming a lot of random French and Latin music using both iOS devices and Apple Music 'radio stations' (started from various tracks).

Why is mine working fine without a glitch? Can you relate a sequence of events that we can replicate and get your errors?


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The only problem I've noted so far is that when I've ripped new CDs I sometrimes have to turn iTunes Music Library off and on in iOS to make it rebuild the library. It's a bit annoying but hopefully this will be resolved with a patch. ID do you think there could be something wrong with the way it's set up in your part of the world?

(Oh and I've also noticed that if ever there's an Apple bashing / Apple complaint thread, JJBomber is always here without fail to swirl the wooden spoon while commonly adding absolutely f'kall of merit to the conversation, and tbh it's getting irritating.)


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MajorFubar said:
Oh and I've also noticed that if ever there's an Apple bashing / Apple complaint thread, JJBomber is always here without fail to swirl the wooden spoon while commonly adding absolutely f'kall of merit to the conversation, and tbh it's getting irritating.)

The cool kidz on the forum all hate Apple. I get on with it just fine (okay, I LOVE IT!) but then, I am not cool :-(


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MajorFubar said:
(Oh and I've also noticed that if ever there's an Apple bashing / Apple complaint thread, JJBomber is always here without fail to swirl the wooden spoon while commonly adding absolutely f'kall of merit to the conversation, and tbh it's getting irritating.)

I've just said they're the best marketing firm in the World. I can't give them any higher praise than that!


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Jul 20, 2012
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You should join me and play both ends against the middle. I have never liked Apple kit but they make lots of money so I bought some shares. Now I can enjoy not owning the kit and enjoy making money out of those who buy it.



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chebby said:
ID. said: of course they had to send out an update that renders it completely unusable on my phone unless I want to restart my phone every 10 minutes

I have ripped 7 new CDs to iTunes this week (hosted on my updated Mac Mini) and played the synced files from Apple Music / AirPlay on both iPhone 6 and iPad Mini (all post-upgrades too) for many, many hours.

I have also been streaming a lot of random French and Latin music using both iOS devices and Apple Music 'radio stations' (started from various tracks).

Why is mine working fine without a glitch? Can you relate a sequence of events that we can replicate and get your errors?

that's what I always wondered when mine worked fine and others complained. :)

works fine from my Mac Mini, but it asks me to register every time I try to use it from my phone, even though I'm signed in. I've tried turning off iTunes on my computer but no difference. Oddly when this happens I still get the personalized for you screen but the radio page won't load.

Prior to the update the only real bug I got was that iTunes would freeze if my computer went to sleep with a song from Apple Music paused, but that wasn't such a hassle and be due to my use of BitPerfect and/or Amarra.

location is Japan, so my selection of streaming choices is limited.


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lpv said:
I recommend "free" downloads from around the web.. also in hi-rez and the choice is enormous.

Fixed that for you.

If I've understood correctly. Personally I prefer to pay to support the artists and music I love, even if there is a middleman taking a massive cut in between. Even with a streaming service I know I will still buy CDs or lossless downloads for music I love.


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MajorFubar said:
The only problem I've noted so far is that when I've ripped new CDs I sometrimes have to turn iTunes Music Library off and on in iOS to make it rebuild the library. It's a bit annoying but hopefully this will be resolved with a patch. ID do you think there could be something wrong with the way it's set up in your part of the world?

Not sure, although it seems the bug is happening for people in a number of other places too. As well as the radio page not loading when it is like this, I can't load my account information, even though I'm logged in and when it asks me to sign up for Apple Music and I click on the link for that (trying everything) that just gets stuck loading forever too.

Not really an issue, but does Apple Music stop playing whenever you try to take a photo or video with an iDevice? Might just be a Japanese thing because you can't swtch off the shutter, etc. sound here (to discourage people from using their phones to take creep shots of people, , upskirting, etc.)

As a workaround I can use the remote app to stream from my Mini to my ATV in the living room, but that's not much use to me when I'm outside of home.

It's one of those things where I haven't done anything different so it's hard to trace it back to some particular thing I have or haven't done, so just venting my frustration. Still not as bad as Word for Mac. That's a real PoS.


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ID. said:
lpv said:
I recommend "free" downloads from around the web.. also in hi-rez and the choice is enormous.

Fixed that for you.

If I've understood correctly. Personally I prefer to pay to support the artists and music I love, even if there is a middleman taking a massive cut in between. Even with a streaming service I know I will still buy CDs or lossless downloads for music I love.

as you please..

ripping cd's into iTunes is even worse so feel free to fix those criminals harder choosing an appropriate weapon so they'll remember the lesson. this part of iTunes where you can rip cd's or naim unitiserve are both very suspicious tools.


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lpv said:
ID. said:
lpv said:
I recommend "free" downloads from around the web.. also in hi-rez and the choice is enormous.

Fixed that for you.

If I've understood correctly. Personally I prefer to pay to support the artists and music I love, even if there is a middleman taking a massive cut in between. Even with a streaming service I know I will still buy CDs or lossless downloads for music I love.

as you please..

ripping cd's into iTunes is even worse so feel free to fix those criminals harder choosing an appropriate weapon so they'll remember the lesson. this part of iTunes where you can rip cd's or naim unitiserve are both very suspicious tools.

More power to you and your campaign of civil disobedience.

But to be honest, I've never looked into the black letter legality of ripping CDs here in Japan, so I'm not sure whether it is the same as the UK.


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Mar 14, 2013
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I did not start it. I guess someone else innocently stated he ripped 7 cd's recently and this activity is illegal in UK and my post was just an ironic comment to his illegal activity or 'civil disobedience' if you prefer.


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lpv said:
I did not start it. I guess someone else innocently stated he ripped 7 cd's recently and this activity is illegal in UK and my post was just an ironic comment to his illegal activity or 'civil disobedience' if you prefer.

chebby's always been a rebel in my books.


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Are you signed up as a paying member? (With payment details from your Apple id.)

You've mentioned getting the registration page but not whether you've registered. (I think.)

[edit] I have Just read the bit about taking photos. That works ok here (shutter sound on) and the music just carries on.


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chebby said:
Are you signed up as a paying member? (With payment details from your Apple id.)

You've mentioned getting the registration page but not whether you've registered. (I think.)

All registered a while ago including payment details and automatic renewal. I'm even shown as logged in. I just clicked the link to see what would happen. Nothing happens.

It it also semi freezes when I try to access the Apple Music settings through the iPhone settings


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Jun 2, 2008
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Ok thanks. I'm sorry but I have no idea what to suggest other than the obvious ones like update the iOS and OS-X and re-boot (all of which you've done already).

Have a word with Apple if you have Apple Care or a nearby Apple Store.


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Feb 22, 2010
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Cheers, chebby.

From looking online it seems to have happened to quite a few iPhone 6 users. Nearest official Apple Store is some distance away, although I guess I'll be close to one that is very crowded all the time on Friday. I'll do the mental calculus to determine whether it's worth my time or just easier to save my $10 and drop out once my free trial is over.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Hi ID ,

I think the music stopping when the camera is switched on is a phone issue , my iPads keep on playing the iPhone, a 4s stops I had assumed it was the age of the phone but I see you have a 6 .



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JamesMellor said:
Hi ID ,

I think the music stopping when the camera is switched on is a phone issue , my iPads keep on playing the iPhone, a 4s stops I had assumed it was the age of the phone but I see you have a 6 .


cheers. I didn't think it was a bug, but wondered if it was just on phones in Japan because of the inability to switch off the shutter sound effect here. Interesting.


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lpv said:
ripping cd's into iTunes is even worse so feel free to fix those criminals harder choosing an appropriate weapon so they'll remember the lesson. this part of iTunes where you can rip cd's or naim unitiserve are both very suspicious tools.

If I go buy a CD and rip it to my computer for my own personal use how am I commiting a worse crime than blatant criminals like you who don't even buy the CD in the first place? What kind of fEDITED-up viewpoint is that?!


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Mar 14, 2013
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MajorFubar said:
lpv said:
ripping cd's into iTunes is even worse so feel free to fix those criminals harder choosing an appropriate weapon so they'll remember the lesson. this part of iTunes where you can rip cd's or naim unitiserve are both very suspicious tools.

If I go buy a CD and rip it to my computer for my own personal use how am I commiting a worse crime than blatant criminals like you who don't even buy the CD in the first place? What kind of fEDITED-up viewpoint is that?!

yeah... just as I thought.. reading and understanding are not your best mates.

" I did not start it. I guess someone else innocently stated he ripped 7 cd's recently and this activity is illegal in UK and my post was just an ironic comment to his illegal activity or 'civil disobedience' if you prefer."

fedit yourself


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