Apple iphone prices/opinions-5yr price stick


New member
Aug 10, 2019
the girl in the phone shop told me not to bother waiting for the iphone to price drop as apple have secured its sale at £269 for 5 years. yeah 5. does anyone know if this is true? and does anyone think its worth it.
[quote user="vernonkay1984"]the girl in the phone shop told me not to bother waiting for the iphone to price drop as apple have secured its sale at £269 for 5 years. yeah 5. does anyone know if this is true? [/quote]
Show me an equivalent product that has stayed at the same price, with the same specs, for 5 years. She's telling porkie pies.
[quote user="vernonkay1984"]does anyone think its worth it.[/quote]
Nope. Absolutely not. Wait until you can get it on a more advantageous price plan, and with more memory in it.
ido agree with you. 5yrs is absurd. i think ps3 said they wouldnt drop their prices for some time and suddenly they did. the price plans are naff too. i think a major baddie is that it doesnt support gps. it has live maps of your location but doesnt track movement. it should have that and i would get it. 35 quid/pm min 269 up front. so basically if you dont spend much time on ure phone its a RIP OFF. but i really want one. the way i see it if i wanted a cheap phone and got a good ipod seperately it would end up costing me as much. thats why i may get one.
[quote user="vernonkay1984"]ido agree with you. 5yrs is absurd. i think ps3 said they wouldnt drop their prices for some time and suddenly they did. the price plans are naff too. i think a major baddie is that it doesnt support gps. it has live maps of your location but doesnt track movement. it should have that and i would get it. 35 quid/pm min 269 up front. so basically if you dont spend much time on ure phone its a RIP OFF. but i really want one. the way i see it if i wanted a cheap phone and got a good ipod seperately it would end up costing me as much. thats why i may get one.[/quote]
It may be that a dedicated ipod, e.g. the Classic, has better sound quality than the phone, but I'm not sure. Regardless, the iphone is sex on a stick and anyone who's into gadgets is going to have a hard time resisting... even with ridiculous price plans. Which is, of course, what Apple are counting on...
[quote user="tractorboy"]the way i see it if i wanted a cheap phone and got a good ipod seperately it would end up costing me as much[/quote]

That's what I did. I got a Sony Ericsson phone (on Vodafone) and bought an iPod Touch, but it's still annoys me having to carry two things around with me, rather than one. And the trouble is...

[quote user="tractorboy"] the iphone is sex on a stick and anyone who's into gadgets is going to have a hard time resisting... [/quote]

Oh yes! So as soon as O2 loses the exclusive contract on the iPhone (in my dreams!), I'll get one.
Thats what i may do but with my birthday at the end of the month its an ideal present to myself and maybe from the family. ha, they dont know that yet though. ithink the sound quality will be the same with the touch and iphone. i was under the impression the same parts were used as the ipod touch? but with the extras on the phone.